Chapter 36: Joseph Flores

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It feels so good to be back at home and in my bed, oh how I missed the sweet comfort of my soft cobijas and pillows.

I would be sleeping in but I can hear the clatter downstairs so might as well get up.

I brush my teeth and prepare myself for everyone's worries which I didn't help with when I just went to bed when I came back.

As soon as I set foot downstairs everyone stares. "Good morning," I say making my way to the kitchen but Eli responds with "it's the afternoon"

I take it back, I did sleep in and I would've slept the entire day if it wasn't for them.

I make myself some coffee as everyone begins to relax. "So I'm guessing you want to know what happened," I say taking a sip of my coffee.

I simply tell them that it was nothing, just a crazy man who was obsessed with magic.

"Then there could be other people just like him who would come after you or any of you," Nessa says with a serious tone but I just stare at my coffee while saying "doubt it, in his office, there was no significant evidence that shows he's working with or for anyone, he's the only one who would go looking for us"

I notice that Daniel keeps bouncing his leg which isn't unusual I do it too but when he caught me looking he instantly stopped.

"Can we just leave this alone, I'm here and I'm fine" I say putting my cup down and going outside to get some air.

After a few minutes of being alone, Daniel walks out. "I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner," he says and I take his hand and look at him while saying "don't apologize for living your life, you couldn't have known but you found me in the end and I'm here" he begins to sob and falls on my shoulder and I hold him tight for comfort.

He pulls away and I wipe the remaining tears on his face and we head inside.

Everyone is still on edge but seeing me helps them feel at ease.

"So you guys want to order food?" I ask and Eli and Veronica say yes and we order some Chinese food.

We hang out and play some games while we wait for the food to arrive and when it does everyone digs in.

As it's getting late everyone offers to stay the night and I don't feel the need to refuse. "Fine I'll go grab some cobijas and pillows," I say heading upstairs and hearing them question the word "cobija"

I set the cobijas down in the living room where there is enough space for everyone.

I turn off all the lights and everyone says good night to each other and fall asleep.

After what feels like a few hours of sleeping I woke up to the sound of static and the wind whistling.

I get up and look around to see where the static is coming from but it stops as the door flings open from the strong winds.

Trying not to step on Eli and Daniel I walk outside but it's foggy and there aren't any other buildings.

Ahead is a tree, the same tree I saw the day before my birthday. Behind it are three little ones.

I get closer and there's a hollow point in the tree that shines light. In it, I can see Laurel and she's making something. I can't make it out and my knowledge on the herbs isn't good so that won't help.

A few seconds pass before she starts looking at her surroundings before she spots me.

I jump back in a bit of horror and find myself back at the house.

I can feel my heart racing as I hear her voice "I know you're there" she says and I know she's using a spell, concentrating on blocking her I hear static again and I slowly turn my head to the TV.

Looking closer I notice the reflection of Laurel behind me so I turn around but she isn't there.

Facing the TV again, there she is, right in front of me. I run to the bathroom and lock myself in.

I splash water on myself, "this is all in my head she isn't here" I say to myself but hearing "your right, it is in your head but doesn't mean it's not happening" in full shock I look at the mirror to see her smiling and she grabs me and pulls me in.

Opening my eyes I'm now in my parent's house. I never wanted to come back here. As a tear falls down my cheek Laurel walks into my vision.

"I don't know how you did it but you did and I did not know this is what your mind looks like, so sad and depressing," she says and she's right, the windows are boarded up and I never liked this place, to begin with. 

Looking at her she takes a seat, "what do you want" I say and she looks at me confused while saying "you brought me here" I don't know how this happened but I know one thing.

"This isn't my mind anymore, it's not like this, I know it's not," I say as the space around us alters itself into a forest. A forest is secluded and beautiful.

I turn to face Laurel who looks at me with a smile, "since we're both here why don't we look into your mind" I say walking towards her and she is frightened, as I place my thumb on her forehead we both groan in pain.

Flashes of pain, grief, violence, loss, blood and dark magic race across my mind and I wake up fully in a cold sweat.

Everyone wakes up and checks up on me and I just tell them I just had a nightmare, which is the truth but not the whole truth.

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