Chapter 3: Eli Bennett

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Before the sun comes up I finish my night shift at the shopping district, god I hate working as a security guard, I might as well quit but I'm doing this for my family and we need the money.

I walk home and in the mailbox, there are letters from child protective services saying how they will remove me and my adopted siblings from our adoptive parents.

I set the letters down at the kitchen table and head to my room. Laying down and staring at the ceiling I started to doze off almost falling asleep until my alarm for school goes off and I get up to take a shower.

In the shower I remember that I have to talk to Veronica about our relationship and that I actually have to go to school today, this is going to be a long day.

After getting changed I head to school, we'll actually I went to rose's to grab some coffee and then went to school. I never enjoyed going to school and if you do then you're a fucking psychopath but overall it isn't that bad as long as no one bothers me at all.

I dozed off in so many classes that I realized I only have one more class left and on my way there I bump into someone I dislike very much, Joseph, "watch it" he says with no expression, god he is just so bland and weird I just can't get along with him.

As school wraps up I text Veronica to meet me at Roses to talk and she agrees and I set off. I have to set this thing straight, we can't stay in this relationship anymore, we lost our connection and my feelings started toning down and I feel bad but it's for the best for the both of us.

I make it to the diner seeing her waiting for me through the window, when I walk in I try to pass on a smile but I'm not good at forcing emotions. "Hey, Thanks for coming," I say and we talk about our relationship and both agree to break up. We do have to focus on ourselves especially me with how things are going at home I just can't afford to mess anything up. We get up and exchange one last smile before heading home.

I go back home and my siblings bring me a cupcake and saying happy birthday even though it's until tomorrow but I blow out the candles but my wish is that I hope everything will be okay with all of us.

"Hey wanna go to the park?" I say to my siblings and they jump up and down and run out of the house, what have I done, we all walk down to the park near my house and watch as my siblings play together with other kids in the area.

I let them play for at least an hour or two before heading home, on our walk back home my body started to ache it's like my bones want to crack and they do every time I move and it gets to the point where it begins to hurt.

My body stopped aching when we got home, weird, I think to myself but I let it slide and relax in my room.

I started thinking about Joseph, why the hell am I even thinking about him, but it was about why I don't like him and I like to think it's because he isn't interesting but on the floor, underneath my drawers, I can see my shirtless men magazine and I start to feel angry and anxious that I rip it up and I try to hold back my tears.

I don't like Joseph because he's boring but it's because he's free and I don't even know if I'm gay I mean I find girls attractive but guys have the same effect and oh god just stop thinking about it, slamming my head into my pillow. I try to sleep it off but clearly, it didn't work.

I get out of my room and see my parents and my siblings watching TV and I feel at peace for a second and I say "nice to have you guys home" and my parents smile and start laughing at the TV.

"hey imma go for a walk" I add and my dad says "alright but be careful and do be out so long it's almost late" and I grab my sweater and go to the woods to clear my head.

I've had this whole identity crisis before back in my old foster home when my foster parents were being racist towards me but I was able to find peace with myself and I know I can do the same with this, maybe I should actually talk to Joseph but it's been a while.

I hear footsteps from behind me and no one is there, now I'm starting to get a little paranoid so I make my way out of the woods, and before the threshold, someone fucking chloroform's me, and I lose balance and soon passed out.

Waking up in a cave I can see that Joseph and Veronica are here and a third person stands in front of us and what sounds like a female voice saying "are you already" I begin to think that walking in the dark is a bad idea.

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