Chapter 17: Eli Bennet

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I couldn't go to sleep with the thought of going out with a guy and I can't tell if it's nervousness or excitement keeping me up but I go out of a jog to tire myself out.

After my jog, I hop in the shower to clean off the sweat and to feel clean again.

Getting out of the shower, the sun begins to rise and I look at the calendar and I silently jump up and down cause it's the weekend and I graduate next week. Finally, this chapter of my life will end.

I put on a regular shirt and shorts and just lay in bed until everyone wakes up. I doze on and off until I hear my parents arguing a bit through the thin walls and I go and check it out.

I walk into a conversation where they are talking about money and how if they don't find a better place then child protective services will come and take us but they slowly realize I'm there in the room and they both sigh loudly.

"If money is a problem then I can go work again and pick up a few more shifts, I'm not going to let them rip us apart, the system has already done too much damage to them," I say and they look at each other and then back at me and dad says "we don't want you worrying or wasting your time where you should be having fun, we'll figure something out okay" he tries to keep a strong look on his face but I know he's worried and so is my other dad but I nod to make them feel better and head over to Joseph to see if he can help me.

I knock on Joseph's door and I did in fact send him a text saying I'll be over and he said it was okay.

When he opens the door he looks tired and I look at the couch and I see Daniel shirtless and I ask Joseph "did you guys?" Trying not to finish the sentence Joseph looks over at the couch following my eyes and says "oh my god, no we just passed out on the couch now get inside" I chuckle and say "didn't know he had abs" he scoffs and says "I know he didn't look like he would and hey stop looking at my boyfriend" he says sarcastically and laughing.

He goes into his kitchen to make coffee and asks why I came over and I reply "my family needs money to get a new house otherwise C.P.S. will separate me and my foster siblings so I was wondering if there was something in that book that could conjure up some money" he turns around with his freshly made coffee and says "well there's nothing in the grimoire about conjuring items but if money is what you guys need I can lend you some, my Abuela has over millions in her account left to me, really isn't a problem, not like I know what to do with it" shit I didn't realize he was rich now.

"Mm I don't know, I don't really feel good about taking money from you," I say looking at him with concern and he shakes his head and says "look I've been where you are, I know how weird it feels asking money from friends but it really isn't a problem, I'm more than happy to help, I'll leave it anonymously even" I slowly start showing my smile and thank him over and over again to the point where he says "alright, ALRIGHT, now get out of here and get ready for your date before I change my mind," he says while chuckling and he walks me out and Daniel hugs him from behind and kisses him and waves goodbye to me and I remind Joseph to be there and he nods.

I go back home and get for my date with Tristan and wait until six.

Tristan texts saying he's here and I meet him in his car and smiles and says we'll be going on a picnic instead of going to roses and I slowly agree and text Joseph that we're having a picnic instead and that he better still be there and I can tell from his response he's being sarcastic you saying "what do you want me to do, go up in a tree?" And of course, I say yes to match his sarcasm.

We park at the town's Central Park and Tristan gets everything from the car for the picnic and tells me to pick out a spot.

I walk and see Joseph with Daniel and Nessa sitting at a bench I sit a few feet away from them. Maybe this was a horrible idea.

I start hearing a ringing in my ear and then a voice saying "hey this me Joseph, I casted a listening spell so if you choke up we'll help" and Nessa and Daniel give big smiles with thumbs up.

Tristan makes it back to me and lays down a blanket with a basket and we sit. "Sorry if this is a little much I just always wanted to have a picnic," he says pulling food out of the basket and I hear Joseph voice saying "such a sap" and I turn to pretend to cough and say "I don't need you right now so stay out of it"

Me and Tristan begin talking about our day and then leads to him asking if I ever went out with a guy cause I think he can see I'm a little on edge, I say "no I haven't, this is my first time I'm kinda experimenting even though I kinda know I like guys" he chuckles and starts saying how much he relates and I start feeling more and more comfortable.

I think Nessa and Daniel know I'm doing alright because they start packing up to leave and also because we're starting to pack up until Tristan asks to kiss me and past him, I can see Joseph spit out his drink and repeat "do it" over and over again. I say yes and he moves closer and grabs my hand and then kisses me on the lip.

Didn't realize I would actually enjoy it.

He offers to drive me home and says "I had a nice time and I hope we can go out again" and I say "hope so too" with a big ass smile on my face that makes me feel silly and I head in inside and go straight to my room where I texted Joseph "oh my fucking god my hearts racing" and all he sends is a smiley face and says "see told you nothing to worry about and now you got Tristan and Isabelle wrapped around your finger" I've completely forgotten about her.

Oh god what do I do, do I tell her? Do I just break it off? Why did he have to remind me, whyyyyyy.

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