Chapter 21: Veronica Thompson

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Running through the woods I can hear what I envision Laurel's voice would sound like.

She's just laughing like a maniac. I run as fast as I can, even with my new speed I can't reach the end of the woods. Finally, when I do I can see everyone dead, their eyes wide open as if they had no idea what hit them.

I head towards Joseph's house and when I get there, the windows are broken and the door is destroyed. I walk in cautiously but all there was, was my friend's bodies laying down covered in their own blood.

I begin to hyperventilate and panic, I find myself racing to my house to hopefully find my mom miraculously alive. Everything on the outside is broken.

Tears form as I find my mom with her eyes wide open and lifeless. I hear someone creep up on me from behind and hope I get to them first but fail. They tear my heart out with a psycho smile and I watch the last pulses of my heart pulse in their hands. I fall to the ground and close my eyes the way no one else was able to. 

I jump awake screaming and covered in sweat. My mom comes rushing in to check up on me and I hug her, it all felt so real, is this really what we're up against? I reassure my mom that I am okay and it was just a nightmare, one of which I'm afraid could come true.

I know I shouldn't let this nightmare run my life or ruin it but it all felt so real like I could actually smell their blood. I should also tell the others but I don't want them worrying about me while we should be focusing on Laurel. Oh shit, I forgot I have to meet them later, I'll just pretend I'm all right, I've been faking everything else what's another.

I go downstairs to eat breakfast and head back to my room to get changed. I would just wear sweats and a regular shirt but remember "fake it till you make it" so I put on decent clothes and head over to Joseph's.

I walk a little faster than normal because if I take my time then I'll have more time with my thoughts which would just be my nightmare on replay but even just seeing the town brings the flashes which replace the nice light with dark lighting and blood.

I pick up the pace and before I know it I'm at Joseph's house. Knocking on the door relentlessly till he opens, to my surprise, it's Daniel who opens the door instead. Honestly shouldn't be surprised, they now live together.

"You're a little early than what we said, want anything?" Joseph asked as he's walking downstairs. I say no rushing to the couch, I have to keep my composure otherwise they'll start asking questions. 

"Well I'm going to take a shower before everyone else gets here," Daniel says heading up the stairs, oh shit I didn't even greet him when I walked in. Hope he didn't take offense. 

I look up and Joseph is washing the dishes. when he finishes he walks over to the counter and stares at me and it's the type of stare that makes me want to sweat.

A good fifteen seconds pass till he says "so you going to tell me about your nightmare or do I have to continue reading your mind" I can feel my mouth drop and I quickly stand and respond "how the fuck do you know that"

"Well one I'm a witch and it's a package deal, although it was just your emotion but I wanted to look further, and it's written all over your face so just tell me"

Well, there's no use in hiding it from him cause he already fucking knows but at least I can finally talk about it.

I go on and explain what my nightmare was about and he goes on to make pour drinks, I think lemonade?

"I think we're all on edge waiting for Laurel to turn up but if it makes you feel any better your not the only one with a nightmare of her"

Finishing his sentence his tone drops, I can't tell if it was because his dream was worse or equally devastating. He goes on handing me the drink, "mine was more of her draining the life out of everyone and making me watch until it was my turn" he stares at the ground for a second before snapping back.

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