Chapter 4: Joseph Flores

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Sitting on the wet floor of this disgusting cave I can start to make out the two figures to my right, Veronica and Eli, now how in the world did we get in this mess.

"what do you want with us," I ask while standing up and the girl hiding in the shadows responds "it is almost time just sit tight"

I look over at Veronica and Eli but from their faces, I can tell they have no idea what's going on either, this is just perfect.

I don't even know what to do "sooo can you tell us your name at least?" I asked but nothing.

I try signaling Veronica and Eli to do something but they remain on the floor if I am going to die it'll be because of them.

From the roof of the cave the moonlight shines in and the woman stands underneath it, her beautiful dark skin shining in the moonlight.

"It is time," she says and before I can respond the cave starts to rumble and Eli is in a makeshift cage, and Veronica is pushed forward to the women.

Eli starts to scream in pain and I look over to see that his bones are moving and cracking, hair begins to grow and I look away because I can't stand to watch him in pain.

Veronica is sitting in front of the woman and she says "I'm sorry for this" and snaps her neck. what the actual fuck is happening.

While I'm in shock the woman walks towards me and stares before saying "I'm so sorry you had to see all that but I'll explain everything after the transformations but you have to open this book"

she drops a huge book at my feet and as I open it light begins to shine and there's writing in Latin that reads "brujería" and it burns "that's it?" I ask and she nods, not that very exciting but at least I'm not in pain.

Looking past her I see Eli but it isn't him anymore but a wolf, how is that even possible, I think to myself and he transforms back to himself and I run to cover him with my sweater and Veronica starts to wake up as well "okay what the hell is happening" I say in a panicked tone.

The woman hands Veronica a blood bag and proceeds to say "you three possess the supernatural abilities of the Vampire, Veronica, Werewolf, Eli, And the witch, Joseph" are you kidding, I'm all down for some shit but this has to be some real bullshit.

"Here in the transformation chamber is where I just activated those abilities and it could only happen on your eighteenth birthday" she continues and now we are all in shock.

I get up and try to understand by asking "so what your saying is that we are now supernatural beings?" She nods as I sit back down, well this should be a fun experience.

Veronica is hesitant to drink the blood bag but does so anyway "can we talk more at my house, I'm not really liking this place after what happened" I say and we head out to my new home.

"Go ahead and sit on the couch and Eli I'll get you some clothes," I say while getting everything together. I hand Eli some of my clothes since that's all I have, hopefully, he's the same size.

I make hot chocolate to keep everyone calm.
"so before we move any further from this supernatural thingy, who are you?" I ask while trying not to burn myself.

She responds "my name is Nessa lance and I am here to help you fulfill your roles as the balancers of the world" she grabs the cups and helps pass them out to everyone.

I can't believe it, we are actually believing this? "Wait so because of that cave we are now supernatural beings?" I ask and Nessa nods, I continue.

"How did you or how did we even become supernatural?"

Nessa sets down her cup before speaking "there is a story of how the first supernaturals came to be and I was there, they were granted life by my grandfather thousands of years ago and were set out to protect the world and as they died there lives and abilities were passed on throughout time and only activated on their eighteenth birthday"

I can't believe there's more.

"I was also given some of the magic that was used to create them and my sister didn't, she grew less fond of me because she thought our grandfather liked me better for not being his blood, her name was Laurel" she adds.

I can see that she holds pain in her eyes.

I'm hesitant to say "I'm sorry about that but that would mean there were people like us before right? Who had these abilities before us?"

Nessa shows a small smile before responding "your grandmother was a witch before you Joseph, the others had no connection they just deemed fit" I look over at Veronica and Eli but they seemed to have been passed out during the whole conversation.

Nessa grabs my hand and says "laurel grows hungry for power and she will stop at nothing to gain the magic that created all of us, that's how your grandmother died but she attacked you, she died protecting you"

that information just messed with my head but it all makes sense and I thank her for telling me.

I will have to explain everything in the morning but for now, I have to contact their parents, I was able to reach both of them and I tell them that I'm a friend and that they are staying with me to finish a project. I'll just leave them on the couch and Nessa leaves but says that she'll be back in the morning.

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