Chapter 41: Veronica Thompson

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Yesterday was amazing, I'm glad Eli came up with the idea to just let us have fun after everything that's happened so far.

Yesterday got me thinking that I'm single and alone and that's fine and all but it's kinda extra lonely after having that feeling of being with someone.

I was questioning going on a dating app for my dignity, not that there's anything wrong with that but you know...creeps and catfishers.

I grab my phone and download the dating app, tinder, and I make my profile. The bio was a bit of a challenge, I mean who really explains who they are in these things.

After setting up my profile I was ready to swipe. I'm not picky or anything but some of these guys aren't really good looking and if they are their bio just ain't it, I mean who seriously puts "I usually put bait but I'm willing to be yours" like how obsessed with fishing do you have to be to put that there.

Ugh, this is difficult, after minutes of swiping I sit up in shock of finding someone decent with an okay bio.

He's only twenty, an engineering major, and he's got quite the body. I swipe right and almost instantly we're matched.

I got so happy I jump up and down and quickly compose myself as he messages me. "Hey, how are you?" He texts and I think to myself, oh chivalry isn't dead or maybe the bar is too low, and I text back.

For about an hour into messaging, we start getting to know each other, and just when I thought he was going to ask me out he sends a dick pic. Seriously, why can't I find anyone decent. I instantly delete the app and face plant onto my bed.

I suppose staying single is something to look forward to and like I said being single is great and all but it can just get lonely.

Joseph has Daniel and Eli has Tristan and I'm pretty sure Nessa has a thing for her friend over at the police department and I'm just here, all alone with my thoughts.

Okay, this isn't helping, I quickly rush outside before I start drowning in my thoughts.

It's a nice day out, not too hot and the breeze is just right. As I'm walking around I'm seeing more couples than usual, so the universe just wants me to suffer huh.

After walking around for a bit I started to walk back home cause I was getting tired. On my way home, a man called for my attention and said that I dropped something,

My wallet of all things, he gave it back but also insisted I take his number, I denied cause he was being forceful and didn't give me much of an option to begin with.

I start walking and I can hear him start talking shit about me, men really switch up quickly when they're rejected, I turn around and walk back to him.

"Listen you're not a good guy at all and it's not just your personality, you look like who haven't seen the sun for weeks and you don't even have good hygiene, so if you want a girl to go out with you don't be a dick," I say and I feel accomplished as I leave him with that to ponder over.

After I get home and rest for a while until my mom asks me to pick up something for her, I groan but head back out anyways.

After I got her package, on my back home the same guy appears but he's not alone, two more guys are with him, and their harassing two girls around my age.

I walk over yelling at them and all they do is look at me. I signal the girls to get behind me and now the boys are smug.

I smile at them as I set the package down, "looks like you didn't listen, maybe you'll learn after this" I say walking over to them and they don't move which makes it easier for me.

Before I do anything I tell the girls to look away, as soon as they turn around I break the men's arms and legs.

I walk back picking up my package and I tell the girls that they'll be okay. I threatened the men that if they say anything I'll come back and finish them off.

I'm pretty sure I scared them.

Once I get home I head to my room to cool off. Today was one hell of a day.

I get ready to take a shower and head to bed, now I'm officially okay with being single and alone.

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