Chapter 30: Eli Bennet

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Yesterday was exhausting, don't get me wrong it was all fun and all but at the end of the day, my feet started to kill me.

Luckily I get to relax today with Tristan, with no help from my friends, just me and him.

Sometimes I do feel left out but I don't entirely blame anyone for that, I get that Joseph is the target of this all and Veronica is well now realizing she has new capabilities and well I figured it all out already. Technically the only thing really special is that I can transform at any given time, with or without a full moon.

In my book, I think if that as a plus, then again it's thanks to Joseph that I can do that now. You know what, no, today is about me, and Tristan, but technically about me so that's how it'll stay.

I get ready to head over to Tristan's house. I tell my parents and head off. Before this me and Tristan made plans for the day so I'm pretty excited to do those as well.

When I get there he greets me with a big hug and a comforting smile. We start off with the first thing on our list which is a baking class. Tristan always loves cooking and he wanted to try baking and I'm all for trying new things. As tough as he looks on the outside he's actually a big softy and it's quite comforting and relaxing.

We put on our aprons and listen to the instructions on how to bake a triple-layered cake, sounds easy enough.

Halfway through I'm pretty sure I added way too many ingredients because when he puts them in the oven they are overflowing. The instructor told us not to worry because we are bound to make mistakes and we just laugh it off. After they are done baking we try our best to layer them on top of each other trying to keep them balanced while they're lopsided.

We come to terms with our failed creation and now it's time to cover them in icing. We pick our favorite colors and I thought we could fade one into the other. We do so and it actually didn't turn out so bad, hides the monstrosity underneath. We finish by adding a few sprinkles and now it's time for the tasting step.

I'm not going to lie I'm actually pretty scared it'll make me sick with all the messed up ingredients in it. I look at Tristan to see if he'll actually taste it and he says "how bad can it really be?" He doesn't sound confident that there's an upside but I won't let him suffer alone.

I take a fork and take a small piece and eat it. Okay, it's actually not that ba- that was a lie I can now taste the failure. How did we manage to screw it up this bad? I spit out the piece that I ate and Tristan toughens it out and actually eats the one he ate, gaging at the end and I'm pretty sure food poisoning is a possibility for him.

We give our cake to the instructor and get out of there before we can see the horrific face they'll have when they try it.

We laugh at our experience and head over to the restaurant we made dinner reservations for.

Upon getting seated Tristan heads to the bathroom and I look at my phone anxiously. No one has texted, maybe I should text them to see if anything is happening? No, if I do that then my focus will be taken away. I place my phone face down when Tristan gets back.

Waiting a few more minutes to get our order in and spend the rest of the time talking to fill in time.

"How come we never hanged out or gotten to know each other before this?" He asks in almost a confused tone. "Well I actually didn't go to school for a while, skipping mostly but I changed that before graduation but you gave me that note, why?" I say getting intrigued with what he might say.

"Well I'm sort of a believer in that 'love at first sight type of thing and when I saw you I just went for it" he gets shy at the end of his response looking down at his hands, he's such a sap but I'm liking every part of it.

I chuckle a little in response and extend my hand out to his and he reaches out, holding hands we let go when our food arrives.

We eat it all quicker than expected and head to the last thing on our list, the movies. We had heard of a movie coming out, I think it's called "the witch of reality and the bird of flames" and the trailer looked good so I thought why not.

I tell Tristan to go on ahead while I get snacks to sneak in. I get the snacks he and I wanted and before heading to the movies I notice someone I recognized. Joseph's ex. He's arguing with someone, I would too so I think nothing of it, and when I reach the doors of the theater I hear tires screech and I turn around to see they have driven off.

I let it go and catch up with Tristan as we watch the movie. I put my arm around him and he leans closer to me resting on my chest. I feel at peace with him, I can see why Joseph is at the peak of his happiness with Daniel.

When the movie ends he suggests that I stay with him for the night because he doesn't want me to leave after the day we had.

I take him up on that and we head to his house where we fall asleep together in his bed.

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