Chapter 24: Veronica Thompson

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I can't believe they were actually placed into prison, I mean they could just bust themselves out but then they would be in the run. Ugh, what's the point of having these abilities if we can't use them to help ourselves?

Daniel spots me in my state of self rambling because he walks up to me and says "we'll get them out soon and they'll be just fine, those two together, they'll look out for each other" his innocent smile is comforting and I pull myself together. 

"You're right, we should split up to get them out soon, Nessa you go meet with your friend in the police department and me and Daniel will take care of finding the evidence to prove their innocence," I say with determination, and Daniel and Nessa agree with the plan and we head to the school.

Of course, we're taking a ride back with Nessa before we go all Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes in this shit. That's a bit of an overstatement actually.

When we got there, there are still cops roaming around which means it'll be difficult to get in but then again it's perfect practice for my compulsion.

"Hello, yes, we are working on this case and we're going to need you to let us in and not bother us," I say not breaking eye contact and it works, the cop lets us in and we begin our search.

"that really comes in handy huh? Anyways Joseph suggested we search for footage so I'll do that, think you can handle the body?" Daniel says looking back before leaving. I nod to reassure him I'm fine and he heads off. 

There are no tags yet which indicates that professionals and medical examiners haven't come yet which means his...body is still here. 

Staring at Mr. Fritz's lifeless body is difficult to overcome, he didn't deserve this, no one does, it's just one of Laurel's sick games yet to come.

The closer I get the more blood I can smell and it gets even more difficult to keep my composure. He doesn't even have wounds, how is this happening. I take a deep breath and get even closer.

Before Nessa dropped us off she gave us gloves so we don't leave fingerprints which we should've done at the start.

I check all over his body in search of something but there's nothing, the examiners will find it weird that there isn't any damage to him.

I'm racking my brain to think of something I'm missing or something else I should be looking for but nothing, it's completely useless. We are wasting time, there's nothing here.

Daniel comes back with a tape in hand. "Luckily it hasn't been tampered with, just a bit old but you can clearly see us and a different person so we're good, I don't think Laurel knew of this otherwise it wouldn't be here," he says cheerfully but quickly brings it down noticing me in a bit of despair. 

He comes down to my level and hugs me, he is legitimately the most caring person I know. I hug him back and we stand up, Joseph is really lucky to have him and if he screws it up I'll snap his neck.

Wait, speaking of Joseph, he knocked back Laurel's magic back at her which means there has to be a physical piece of her somewhere.

She knocked it to her right and ah-ha, a piece of her nail? What the, you'd think she be more careful about this type of thing, that of course, she wasn't expecting us to show up like this.

I bag it and we make it back to the meeting spot where Nessa said to meet when we were done.

We wait for ten minutes before Nessa shows up with her friend from the department. We stand and greet her and we tell her of the evidence we found to prove their innocence and she says "she's different from the one before, he was ruthless"

she chuckles and so does Nessa. She agrees to help us and in return, all she asks is that we put an end to Laurel and if we ever get into any police trouble while dealing with supernatural activity we'd just give her a call. 

She's quite the badass. She takes the evidence and says she'll get right in to get our friends out soon. We thank her over and over again till Nessa puts a stop to it and lets her go.

"Now that's settled all we have to do is wait, I think we should celebrate our small victory and when they get released we'll do a bigger celebration," Nessa says leading us to roses and we order our favorites.

I think back to what Nessa's friend said about me being different than the guy before me and it makes me feel good that I'm a good kinda different.

"Wait what are we going to do with the press?" Daniel says with concern and Nessa tells him it's nothing for us to worry about that, her friend is taking care of that as well. I should thank her friend with something, maybe a basket of sorts?

After we finish our food we each head back to our homes and wait for the news if both Joseph and Eli will get their case rejudged and be set free.

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