Chapter 62: Veronica Thompson

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It's been four months since we left home and even though I miss it, everything's been great since then.

Me and Nessa traveled to Los Angeles, California to explore and live. I've always wanted to live in Los Angeles because I always thought it was pretty.

Thankfully It is and some of the people here are nice and others just have their good and bad days.

We luckily found an apartment to live in and we sort of just started a new life here.

Nessa got an office job for I don't know what, I don't even think she even knows. But she works from home, she never wanted this job but at least we can make a living.

I got a job at a clothing store in the city which was fine and all until I became the manager of the store as some people decided to quit from all the rude customers.

I mean hey I'll take the money but I didn't expect this much work so early.

When I first started working I started thinking about my mom and for the first month, I was going down a dark place.

I felt so guilty that I just left her there to be mind-controlled but Nessa helped me get through it and every moment that I'm out here living counts for my mom, to live for her I guess.

Nessa also felt guilty for leaving her girlfriend, the one at the police department, behind. 

Called it.

I also kept in touch with the others for the first two months but then we just sort of stopped talking and I haven't gotten the courage to talk to them again. Maybe it's for the best.

I just finished my shift at work and I'm heading to Nessa's favorite restaurant to pick up the food she ordered.

I never get sick of the beautiful scenery in the city, the sky, the trees, and even the people make this place beautiful.

Once I get home I can hear Nessa getting frustrated, she must be in a meeting, she always gets mad during those.

"Yes I understand but also-" she says before she's cut off.

Sometimes I wished that she would just quit and find a different job but she always says "this is the only high-paying job we can get so I'll just have to endure it."

She turns off the computer when she notices her shift is over.

She turns towards me staring at the food disregarding that I'm even here. "I'm guessing it's the same thing as always?" I say as she grabs the bag of food from my hands while sitting on the couch.

"Those douchebags don't care for anything I have to say, they're so misogynistic, they treat every female worker like shit and they've been reported multiple times but they're still there," she says as she enjoys her dinner.

It's so annoying and frustrating how men will literally be praised for anything and we have to work our asses off even to meet the bare minimum. And don't even get me started with how they think they can make decisions for and about us.

"You know you and I could easily change their minds in a matter of seconds, just a thought," I say walking to my room to get changed.

I try to make out the words coming from Nessa but I think she's too busy enjoying her food to realize that she isn't speaking clearly.

"Whoa, where are you going?" She says in surprise when I walk out of my room.

I smile at her and say, "I got a date with Lucas so I'll be back later" she hugs me and I walk out and before I make it to the elevator I hear "I'm rooting for you two" from Nessa with my super hearing.

Lucas picks me up in front of my apartment building and we head to the restaurant he picked.

He compliments me on my outfit and I say the same thing back.

I met Lucas a few weeks after getting here. I was walking around exploring and then I got lost, he was lost too as his phone was dead and so we spent time together and he asked me to write down my number and here we are.

After we got to the restaurant we ordered and continue carrying on the conversation.

Once our food got served we eat and after we finished we hung out for a while.

Before we start to get ready to leave he stops me saying, "Veronica, I know that this is only our fifth date but I really like you and before this relationship starts moving any further I just wanted to let you know about something that could change our relationship, depending on how you take it" he starts avoiding eye contact which he does when he's nervous.

I grab his hand to reassure him that he can tell me anything and he takes a deep breath and continues, "I just wanted to tell you that I'm trans" 

I can feel a smile start to form as I'm overwhelmed with joy.

He looks me in the eye and he looks like he's a bit terrified. I squeeze his hand softly and say, "thank you for telling me, I still like you no matter what" I can see that he feels at ease and he quickly reverts to his confident self.

We walk out and head to his car.

On the drive home, I ask him, "so does this mean we're official?" And he nods in response.

I know now that he transitioned into a male but I still don't want to assume anything.

"So then what would you like to be called? Honey darling?" I say jokingly and he laughs as he says, "oh god don't ever say that again but I appreciate you for asking, boyfriend is fine" 

I feel myself warm up inside.

I kiss him goodbye as I get off the car. When I walk into the apartment I find Nessa staring at me asking why I have such a big smile on my face.

I tell her that we're official and she's happy for me.

I get ready for bed and fall asleep still thinking about what happened. I think I'll cherish this memory forever.

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