Chapter 51: Veronica Thompson

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After what happened yesterday at the bar I suggested that we go to a motel to settle down because we can't really go home and the church isn't really living space material, more of our base of operations.

The motel manager was a bit freaked out when she saw us walk in covered in blood but nothing a little compulsion can't fix.

We both rested, and freshened up, Joseph left while I was in the shower to get some food.

Looking at myself in the mirror I remember what I did, what I felt. I didn't have any control.

Joseph explained what a ripper is and how he found out, snooping through Nessa's stuff.

I get changed and wait for Joseph to come back.

There's nothing to do or watch so I sit quietly in this lonely room. I can hear police sirens off in the distance and using my super hearing they're being called to the bar that we were last night.

If I could hear the commotion about the police maybe I can...hear the others.

Out of nowhere, Joseph appears holding a pizza box, "I got food" he says setting it on the bed.

We eat and after we finish I say, "what are we going to do now?" He looks out the window and back at me.

"It'll probably be best if we lay low but then again I want to get this over with, I'm heading back to the church," he says walking to the door expecting me to follow.

I groan and he says that I can stay out but I have to be back in a few hours.

"So what you're my dad now?" I say leaning back and he rolls his eyes before leaving.

Now that I'm finally free I have no idea what I want to do. I could get new clothes since this one is kinda soaked in blood.

When I walk into one of the clothing stores in town I realize I don't have any money. I pick out a new outfit and change into them in the changing room removing the alarm triggers they have.

Before I can walk out I'm stopped by a worker in the store, "I notice you didn't pay for that" she says and I turn around ready to punch her for stopping me.

I stop myself from doing so and compel her, "you're going to forget I was here, and let me walk out" I say and walk out.

I notice the time and decide to head back but before I do I hear my name and I turn around to see Eli and Daniel sitting at a table outside a restaurant.

I walk over to see what they have to say. 

Taking a seat Eli says, "thank god we found you, we didn't want to believe what Laurel said" and I'm now interested.

"But you believed her?" I say and he shuts up and Daniel catches on and says, "we still don't know if she is telling the truth, do you know where Joseph is?" So they are in denial.

I lean back into my seat looking at them, "he's fine, finer than you'd expect someone to be when they murder an entire bar full of people" I say and now the realization hits them.

Eli looks at me in fear, "that was you guys? We heard it on the news" he says, and Daniel chimes in.

"So Laurel was right, you both shut off your humanity," he says and I smile and think to myself.

"Me, yes, Joseph I'm not so sure, he's not a vampire so he can't completely turn off his humanity like me but the dark magic, I think it helps him see things clearly," I say getting bored.

I can see Daniel getting angry, "why does that matter, he'll be corrupted, he'll turn emotionless and get himself hurt," he says and I begin to leave.

Eli grabs my hand and I quickly break his fingers, "look, Joseph will be fine and we are finally doing something so don't stop us because if I see you intervene I will kill you" I say letting go and vamp speed away.

Once I get to the doors of the church I can feel subconsciously that what I did, I felt bad but I hold on to the bad memories Laurel made to remain this way.

When I walk in I find Joseph about to leave, "nice outfit" he says taking a minute to look at me and continue walking.

I ask where he was going and he said that he found another one of Laurel's trusted companions.

"I'll come with," I say and he gets in the car saying, "I'm not going after her now, tomorrow I will but right now I'm exhausted and you must be too," he says and I look at him confused.

"For talking to Eli and Daniel of course," he says laughing and I walk over to him. He tells me to get in and he continues, "I guess that because you're still here means that it went well" he holds out his hand and closes it removing the connection spell, and drives to the motel.

I understand that fear is an emotion but it's something I feel deep inside. The fact that he has the power to kill me but hasn't done it yet makes me worry and that he's making jokes and laughing about everything makes me wonder how long this will go on until he completely goes on a rampage.

Getting to the motel, I lay on my bed and try to sleep knowing that tomorrow more people will probably die. 

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