Chapter 58: Veronica Thompson

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Walking around the school I find that it's empty.

I call out for anyone but all I hear is my echo and then suddenly out of nowhere the place is crawling with people.

Each of them shove me from side to side until I fall backward and land in a field of flowers.

I get up looking around confused and I hear voices behind me.

Turning around I can see all my friends and even Natalie, they all look so happy. I walk to them and we all laugh and pick the flowers.

The ground shakes and I hear "Veronica honey wake up" and I close my eyes.

When I open my eyes again I realize that it was all a dream.

Seeing my mom in front of me I see her holding an envelope, "if it's from my dad I don't want it" I say while yawning and she shakes her head.

"I don't know who sent it but it's addressed to you," she says leaving it on my nightstand and walking out.

I get up and brush my teeth before I start investigating this weird envelope.

I examine it but nothing seems off about it besides of course having no addresser.

I cautiously open it and there's nothing but a note saying, "I know who and what you are" Ah-ha so it wasn't in my head...Shit, it wasn't in my head.

Who would stalk me? I mean how would I even expose myself, I haven't even used my vampire powers in public, at least when no one was looking.

I text everyone to call another meet-up back at Joseph's. They agree and we meet in a few minutes.

I rush downstairs and try to head out but my mom stops me and tells me to eat before going out.

I sigh and do as she says.

Now heading to Joseph's I look all around me trying to find the person stalking me but if anyone were to see me they think I am either crazy or paranoid which isn't too far-fetched.

Once I get to the house I consistently knock until someone opens it. Eli finally opens the door and asks why I'm so eager to get in. 

I get everyone to sit down and I clear my throat, "okay so I just got this note and just yesterday I was constantly feeling watched" I say showing them the note.

They look at me confused and a bit scared. I feel the same.

"I thought no one else knew about us just the guy who kidnapped Joseph," Eli says and Nessa nods.

Taking the note she takes a closer look and says, "that's cause no one does, there are traces of dark magic on the letters" okay not only is this by Laurel but she was lazy enough to use magic to write a note?

I think this whole thing is starting to get confusing. Why me though? We already confirmed that Joseph is the prime target unless now that he's gone she has to resort to me.

Something feels off about this but which part.

"So what do I do?" I ask and Nessa rips up the note saying, "for now you'll stay with one of us until we make sure you're safe" well if I'm going under witness protection then I choose Nessa.

She allows me to come with her and we head to her apartment. 

It's the same as it was when I came here the first time. "I'll get a bed ready for you," she says leaving me alone.

I text my mom saying that I'll be spending the night with a friend and she tells me to have fun. If only she knew.

Nessa comes back with blankets and pillows and turns her couch into a bed.

"Sorry this isn't much but at least you'll be safe here," she says and I thank her.

At first when this all began I used to be afraid of Laurel and now I'm not so sure, yeah she can be a bit menacing at times but she isn't that scary. I'm sure Joseph with dark magic takes that place.

Daniel and Eli text me asking if I'm okay and I reply yes to them both, sweet that they care.

Nessa heads off to bed and since I have nothing better to do. I do too.

This isn't the most comfortable bed I've slept on but it isn't horrible.

Flipping over multiple times I finally found a good spot and close my eyes.

At first, I wasn't sleepy but now my eyes are getting heavy.

Knowing that Nessa is in charge of protecting me puts me at ease and I fall asleep.

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