Chapter 25: Eli Bennet

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Me and Joseph are waiting patiently for the lawyer to get back because she had to leave momentarily.

I'm quite glad that I was able to change my attitude in here because I probably would've been in a terrible spot with some terrible dude I don't even know.

"You know what I miss most about the outside world is music, this place is going to make me insane with another day in here," Joseph says staring at the ceiling and I look at him with confusion, "we've only been here for two day's," I say and he nods turning his head towards me. He gets weirder and weirder.

The lawyer gets back apologizing for taking her time but if it has anything to do with our case then she can take all the time she wants as long as it gets us out of here.

"The police department has presented evidence to your case and to the court about your innocence and are placing another court hearing later today to discuss it further, I think your chances are good of getting out of here"

She doesn't look concerned so I trust what she's saying and do hope she's right. She also said that when it's time for the hearing she'll give us suits to appeal to the judge, ha no pressure.

We go on about our time here hoping it's our last. Moving from work to lunch then to yard time. This is my favorite part of this place, even if it's limited it's still great to feel the air. Jesus, it's only been two days and I already feel like this.

While we've been here we got to meet some of the inmates, the ones who seemed approachable that is. Their stories were so different, some sad and others well freaky. While doing that, me and Joseph almost joined a gang that Joseph seemed down to join. I had to decline for the both of us, he only wanted to join for some prison drama as if being chased by a murdering psycho wasn't enough for him.

Actually, on that topic, I do think there is too much pressure on him and he's only using dark humor and sarcasm to deflect when it's really freaking him out. I can't say for certain but I don't wanna pry at it if it is or isn't the case, I'll get Involved if it really puts him in jeopardy.

A few more hours pass and we are finally called down to the courthouse for our case. Before leaving they give us the suits the lawyer said she'll bring and we're driven to the courthouse.

Walking in, we're still handcuffed and in the courtroom, we can see Daniel, Veronica, Natalie, and Nessa all waiting for the hearing. Almost makes me nervous that somehow it'll all fall apart but knowing them they probably spent the whole day yesterday trying to get us out and that's the bright side I hold on to.

"Hearing of Elias Bennet and Joseph Flores, re-evaluating this case based on the murder of Gabriel Fritz, starting off the police have found no damage to Mr. Fritz's body, therefore, the fingerprints of the accused deemed suspicious but have also brought evidence to my attention that shows another figure at play claiming all the responsibility of which as been accused"

The Judge goes through the evidence displayed in front of them and judging by the looks of it, luck may be on our side.

"With the evidence presented the jurors have a decision and have found the defendants not guilty, that is all today, may the property of the defendants be brought back to them" they continue and end with the gavel to close the case.

We're finally seen as innocent and as soon as our handcuffs are taken off we hug every one of our friends and get our stuff back.

"Thank god that went smoothly, I don't think I would last another day in prison and this idiot almost got us in a gang," I say jokingly and Joseph laughs while the others are confused.

They take us out to celebrate at a restaurant, Nessa's treat, and they give us our clothes to change back to, finally got my sweater back and Joseph with his flannel.

On our way to the restaurant the three of them, Daniel, Veronica, and Nessa, tell us how they got the evidence and Natalie tells us she was the one to handle the media so our story never got out. I thank her and Joseph tries to hug her but finds it awkward and thanks her.

Once we arrive we are all starving and eagerly wait to be served. We eat, sharing more of our experience in prison, and share laughs with one another. In the middle of it, Daniel gets curious and says "you know what I was just reminded of, Eli you still have your two dates you ghosted"

Shit, I completely forgot about them, I haven't talked to either one since graduation. I thank Daniel for reminding me and get on my phone quickly to apologize to them. I expect no response in return.

We all finish eating and we get up to leave. One by one we get out the door except I catch Joseph staring out the window. "Hey, you okay?" I ask with complete concern, "wha- yeah I'm fine I thought I recognized someone, let's go" he says brushing it off but it's been a long day so I don't think much of it.

Nessa drops all of us off at our houses and I thank her for the ride and for getting us out. I open the front door and my parents are waiting in the living room. I was expecting to see them angry but they're just relieved to see that I'm fine and out of prison. I feel bad that I made them worry this much and I feel even worse when they hug me and see my dad's tears fall down his face.

Since we're all emotional I take this time to come out to them, not the ideal situation but I'll take what I can get. They freeze for a bit which is concerning but they smile and say they would love me unconditionally which made me tear up.

After a few sobs here and there, I finally get to my bed, my cold comfy bed oh how I missed you. As soon as my head fits the pillow it was lights out for me.

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