Chapter 59: Joseph Flores

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Hanging out and living with the past witches has been somewhat difficult.

When I came here I had to awaken them and when I did it transformed this place into something lively and beautiful when they were summoned.

Everyone was happy to see me, giving me advice and telling me how this place works as well as their life stories.

They introduced me to Myriad since she is the only one who knows what it feels like to have both forms of magic exist in me.

She's kind and passionate but also extremely focused.

I told her why I'm here, cause I don't want to hurt anyone and learn to use this new form of power.

She's got me helping around the house with the past witches as well as helping the people in this town, making medical herbs for them and solving some of their issues.

Really I don't see how this is supposed to help me.

I woke up two hours earlier than I had to and I clean the house and attend to the garden until the wakening bell rings. 

All the witches begin appearing where they were last night. Saying good morning to everyone I search for Myriad.

I find her standing at the lake. "Good morning Joseph," she says turning around with a big smile.

Looking at her intrigued I say, "good morning, what's on the agenda today, more medical herbs?" At this point, it's been three days of the same thing and I'm trying to push for something different.

She begins walking on the trail that wraps around the house and I follow her. 

"I see you're eager to do something else," she says while greeting the other witches.

"I know that you think everything you got me doing has a purpose but it's been three days, I don't see how making herbs is supposed to help me protect the ones I love," I say with a serious tone and she stops in her tracks. 

She smiles when she looks at me, "and it is important but I have a meeting with the witches who have dedicated their lives to dark and light magic but I'll leave you with her" she says and I'm confused as to who she's referring to.

"Hola mijo" I hear and I turn around to see my Abuela walking toward me. 

Overcome with joy I begin to tear up saying, "wha- how come I didn't see you" she smiles taking my hand to continue walking. 

"I didn't think it was the right time but I've been watching you and I see you made new friends and that boy Daniel really cares about you," she says and I can't stop smiling, I never thought I would ever get to see her again.

We take a seat at one of the tables around the garden. "Yeah they're pretty amazing but why show up now?" I say and she leans back sighing.

I would be lying if I wasn't worried about what she might say. "I'm glad you found people to love and who love you back, I understand the troubles you went through and they'll keep coming," she says grabbing my hand to try and give me comfort.

"Which is why we have agreed to immediately start teaching you to learn and use your new magic powers," Myriad says appearing out of nowhere.

Giving me no time to think, me and my Abuela follow her to the open area behind the house.

"These guys are my friends and your teachers, Rosalin, master of white and light magic, and Vivian, master of dark and black magic, and I will also be helping," she says and the two witches walk up to me.

They tell me that I have nothing to worry about but I'll be the judge of that.

I look at Vivan confused, "Wait if you used dark magic then how are you not corrupted?" I ask and she laughs while saying, "corruption doesn't carry on through the afterlife but I have experienced it" wow I kinda feel bad for her, she lived and died with it. 

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