Chapter 66: Joseph Flores

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I woke up when I heard the birds chirping. It's hard to sleep when you're the mastermind behind the plan to retake your home, not like there's any pressure or anything.

Noticing that Daniel is still asleep I decided to take a shower to clear my mind.

I spend a little more time in the shower than I usually do, going over the plan in my head to work out if anything will go wrong and that it's good enough to share with the others.

I get out of the shower and get dressed before hearing a knock on the door.

Looking through the peephole I see that everyone is waiting outside the door. Opening the door to let them in, they all at once rush in.

"Hey I got you coffee," Veronica says handing me the coffee with a nervous look on her face. I thank her and they all take a seat on our beds.

I can tell by the looks on their faces that they're all eager and nervous to hear the plan.

"I know you guys want to go home, I do too but try to keep in mind that this plan may not work, we could very well die during this so I need to know if you are actually willing to go through with this," I say and I know what their answers are but I just need confirmation from them but it'll also help them get into the mindset that this isn't like anything we've faced before.

We've fought her before sure, but this is more than just fighting Laurel, we're trying to free the whole town and end this curse at the same time. Anything could go wrong and I want them to know that.

They all nod and I take a deep breath and get started.

"First things first, Tristan you're going to stay here, you haven't experienced any of this and we don't want you getting hurt," I say while looking at Tristan and from his face, I can see that he's upset that he can't help but he gives me an understanding nod.

I nod back to thank him and I continue, "I can't take down the barrier from out here so we're going to have to get inside to bring it down" 

I gesture to Daniel to bring out his sword.

I still can't believe he was able to bring that through all the airport security.

He hands it to me and I place my hand at the guard and move it to the end, infusing it with light magic to counter the barrier spell.

"I'll be able to weaken it a little to get us inside, then Daniel and Nessa will go into the center of town to release the light magic in the sword and that should take down the barrier, I'll deal with freeing the minds of the people in town," I say moving along with the plan.

I can see on Eli's face that he has questions that I have the answer for. 

"Like I said yesterday I need Laurel to give me her magic, all of it, so each of us will take on and kill our respected copycats to end her immortal binding, and then we'll group up to face her," I say and they look at each other.

They all start nodding at each other and then look at me. I start to get nervous thinking that there's something wrong with my plan.

They all get up and Eli says, "when do we put this into action" I smile knowing I have their support, and say, "tonight at midnight, a full moon will be up and we'll be stronger but so will they" they nod and spend the rest of the time in my room.

Hours pass and I'm waiting by the car for everyone to arrive. Once they get outside I look at them and laugh as I think to myself, looks like they didn't pack outfits for this.

We're all ready to go and we get in the car and drive to town.

It's a silent ride there but I have a good feeling that not a lot of bad things will happen.

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