Chapter 23: Eli Bennet

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These damn beds aren't comfortable at all, they literally feel pure metal but hey that's prison for you. God, I can't even believe I'm here, what are my parents going to think. Thanks to Joseph's "anonymous" help with my parents they were able to get a better house and adopt us which didn't take long but because me and sibling's biological parents didn't want us made the process much faster. 

Speaking of Joseph, this guy is acting way too calm for being put into prison, I mean like what the fuck at least show some distress. I don't even know how he could sleep on these beds and he's trying to talk to our cellmates. Who does that!?

I take a deep breath and envision myself in my actual bed where I'm not in a cell with most likely actual murderers.

Doing that until the sun comes up I actually found myself finally at peace until one of the guards wakes us up for cell check and to take us to breakfast.

I stay close to Joseph because I don't want to linger behind with any of these guys.

As we get our food we sit alone at a table where no one sits. For some time it was just us until a guy and his group ask us what we're in for.

I keep quiet while Joseph tells him we're in here for murder then corrects himself by saying accused of murder.

They get closer especially to me because I'm staying quiet and I can feel my hands shake and who looks like the leader laughs and walks away.

"I think that went pretty well," says Joseph looking at me to see if I'm okay which I'm not. "I'm not liking this at all," I say avoiding eating my sloppy food.

It hits noon and we're led to job posts which I'm stuck doing laundry for sheets and clothes while Joseph does cleaning on the cell floors. Now thinking about it mine isn't bad at all. 

Still trying to keep to myself I catch this built dude continuously looking at me every time I look up. There are other people who look at me but this dude is the only one that keeps on staring and I'm starting to get worried, as much as I hate to admit it I wish Joseph was here.

To my luck, one of the guards walks in to tell me that I have a meeting with a lawyer and takes me there. When I get there Joseph is already waiting and I sit next to him and the lawyer starts "I'm not going to lie this isn't looking good for either of you, there's already evidence with your fingerprints that put you here" she goes on telling us that our chances of getting out are bad but I still ask "so how long do we have to stay here for?" Hoping for a chance that it isn't long when I know there isn't a chance. 

"Even though we were convicted enough to get put here, your still here which means the case is still open, I'm guessing we have twenty or more years unless we're proven innocent" Joseph goes on looking at the lawyer in a way he knows he's right, I swear the confidence in this man might get us killed sooner or later. 

The lawyer goes on to discuss the actions we should take before she is interrupted by a guard who says we have visitors and she agrees that it'll be good for us to see familiar faces. 

We are walked to the visitor area and the lawyer says she'll be back with more information, through the door are Veronica and Daniel because only one person is allowed to see one inmate. One for each of us. 

We sit together in a few seconds of silence before Joseph says "we look good in orange huh?" Daniel and Veronica scoff in response and Veronica says, "we will find a way to get you two out of here and prove your innocence" she's trying to push for a confidence type of tone but it doesn't pass her doubts. 

"Well you can start with the school's camera footage if they haven't been tampered with and because Laurel used magic to Kill Mr. Fritz there wouldn't be visible wounds so use that against the case," Joseph says with a bit of doubt in his face as if what he just said won't be done.

"Agreed we could use that and in the meantime, Nessa is right outside and said she'll get in contact with an old friend in the police department who seen some supernatural things," Veronica says and Joseph stands with a smile on his face and says "and that's why in the supernatural shows they are always friends with the police"

I can't believe he's comparing this situation to TV shows. Before we can continue the same guard who brought us here tells us that our time is up and it's time to head to the yard.

Because we can't touch them we say our goodbyes and give reassuring smiles. I think I spent too much time inside because the sun is bright as hell, I have to squint my eyes to adjust them.

We walk around for a bit before the same guy who was eyeing me during work hours walks over to us.

I just stand there as Joseph tries to defend me saying "what do you want?" He doesn't take his eyes off me and Joseph repeats himself and finally, the dude replies "I just thought you had a nice face and thought you could help"

Joseph gets in front of me completely while saying "we're good thanks" and grabs me and we walk away. "Why did you do that? Now he's gonna hate us for turning him down and what if he could've helped us in return?" I say but his face is telling me he isn't trying to put up with shit "uh no the only thing he was trying to do was make you his bitch, your welcome by the way" he says as if it was nothing.

I'm still thankful he's here with me which I won't tell him cause ain't no way I'll admit that out loud. We do a few more laps before a different guy gets in our way but with a group this time.

Please can we just have one quiet time? "You two are rather good looking to be here," he says but this time around his focus is on Joseph who doesn't bat an eye. "Ah well that's what getting charged with murder does to you, gives the skin that glow," he says jokingly and the inmate laughs, his group surrounds us as they keep talking, I know I keep saying this but I really don't have a good feeling about this. 

"You know for showers you should come and see me" the dude suggests and Joseph scoffs looking around "you see I have a boyfriend and I'm not the cheating type so that's a hard pass for me," he says and the dude is quick to respond by saying Joseph's boyfriend wouldn't know and he notices one of his men grab my shoulder and throws a punch to the dude and says "ow what the- how do you make that look easy" he shakes his hand to release the pain and I take the chance to knock out the man grabbing my shoulder. 

In an instant, Joseph says "de ruinam" and the rest of the men surrounding us fall unconscious. As a guard runs towards us to the check out the commotion Joseph puts his hands in the air and says "I think they got a heat stroke" and just like that, we were free to go.

I can't believe we actually got away with that and now it's time for showers before lights out.

Before walking in with nothing but a towel and a soap in hand Joseph says "you should already know this but don't drop the soap" and walks off.

What the actual fuck. 

Just when I thought this was getting better I have to worry about another thing. I do well to take a calm shower even though we have no privacy and I hate the fact that everyone is staring at me again. I signal Joseph to do something and he thought the best solution was to join me.

"Relax will you, this way they think you're taken and not up for grabs," he says but that isn't the problem, what's the problem is the fact we are showing together, naked.

He laughs thinking it's funny which it's not and I hurry up and finish.

I'm escorted back to my cells with Joseph behind me. Our other two cellmates already there. When the guards leave, the one with the tats says "you guys are pretty cool, saw what you did in the yard" and Joseph thanks him for the compliment and I loosen up and do the same.

If I plan to get by unscathed then I better put my worries aside before I actually do become someone's bitch. Finding the bed much more comfortable after the day I had I actually fall asleep ready to change my attitude for the next day. 

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