Chapter 60: Eli Bennet

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After we basically placed Veronica on witness protection we have been walking around town to see who would be interested in the supernatural as we came to a conclusion that Laurel isn't the one behind this otherwise she would've tried and kill us rather than send a note.

At first, no one stood out but then we got specific with our search. Historians were our prime suspects but they're way too deprived of life so they wouldn't be fit to be a stalker.

We moved on to Veronica's friends but after we graduated the only people from the school we talk to is all five of us so no one would stalk her in that category.

Really no one here has the motive to stalk Veronica or even be interested in any of us let alone the myth and the supernatural.

Me and Daniel relax in Joseph's house to wait for Nessa and Veronica to come back.

When they walk in we hope that they at least have someone of suspicion but they got nothing.

"I let Tristan know of our situation and he was looking out for new people coming in but none of them stayed that long enough to do this, whoever this person is they're either a ghost or maybe they're playing some sick joke or the worse outcome, they're in league with Laurel," I say with a serious tone which brings down the mood, not like it was any better then it was before.

I watch Daniel take out his phone and say, "no one's been able to reach Joseph?" We all shake our heads and I think I know what he was going to do. Bring Joseph back so he can help locate this motherfucker.

Maybe the idea of them working with Laurel makes sense, this started when Joseph left and from what Veronica said about her time with corrupted Joseph, Laurel was afraid of him so maybe this is her cowardly way of fighting.

I don't know, I just want to find who sent this and just put an end to it.

We all try to find a different group to focus on and as we're talking we hear a knock on the door and an envelope is slid under the door.

Nessa and I look at each other and then rush to the door to find our perpetrator but no one is there. "Shit," I say frustrated and Nessa picks up the envelope opening it.

We all stand around her as she reads the note to herself and then says, "they want to meet us where the transformation happens" Wait the transformation chamber? That's still standing? I could've sworn Joseph took that place down.

We all agree to go with caution and prepare ourselves for whatever might happen.

Once we got there we look around to find the person who wanted to meet up. "I'm glad you came" I hear and everyone gathers as a person walks in.

"My name is Issac and when I turned eighteen I suddenly had this feeling to come here and now I can do this," he says showing signs of magic.

Daniel takes a step back not believing what's in front of him, " do you have magic?" He says and Issac shrugs and Nessa intervenes.

"The only way you can have magic is if the witch before you has...died," she says and we all watch as Daniel begins to tear up.

He walks out of the chamber to avoid the embarrassment of crying. I don't want to believe it either but this guy is standing right in front of us showing signs of magic and we haven't heard from Joseph so maybe it is true, maybe he did die on his trip to do god knows what.

Veronica chases after Daniel and me and Nessa invite the new guy to come with us.

I can tell Daniel doesn't want to face Issac because every time Issac tries to apologize for Daniel's loss he just walks faster.

Before we walk into the house I stop Nessa, "I thought we could only turn supernatural through the transformation chamber?" I say and she sighs, this is hard for everyone.

"It's not the only way, the magic used to give life to the supernaturals will find a new host with or without the transformation chamber, it's basically only there to ensure no one gets hurt if someone was chosen to be the next supernatural," she says rubbing my shoulder and heading inside.

I don't know, everything is happening too fast and I don't have a good feeling.

I walk in keeping my guard up.

Everyone stands around keeping our distance from the new guy and everyone starts questioning him.

After everyone has asked a question and Daniel finally decides to speak up. "You and...Joseph must be connected with the magic of the witch, did you have any visions of his death? Do you know if he died painlessly?" He asks and all Issac does is shake his head, saying no to his questions.

Daniel begins to start breaking down and Nessa and Veronica surround him giving him hugs.

I watch as Issac gets up and says, "Laurel said I shouldn't underestimate you guys but you're all a bunch of saps, nothing special" shit, why did I have to be right.

Everyone gets up and we wait for someone to make the first move. Veronica tries to speed to him but he gives us a horrible headache making us defenseless and unable to do anything.

"I really expected a lot from you guys, I mean you're pretty predictable, I wish the witch was here so I could kill him with the rest of you," Issac says but he's quickly overrun with fear.

The headaches finally stop and we look at him as he's restrained by some kind of force that lifts him up from the ground.

"Really? cause it looks like I'm the one who's winning, next time we meet I hope you're better" Joseph says turning him around to face him and throws him out the window.

Joseph turns towards us smiling, "did you guys miss me?" He says and we just look at him in disbelief.

I thought he was fucking dead. Literally, nothing can kill him I see.

The tension begins to relax as we take in the fact that Joseph is alive.

Shit, I can't believe I'm happy to see him.

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