Chapter 16: Eli Bennet

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Upon waking up I am bombarded with notifications from Veronica, Joseph, and Daniel as well as Nessa but it feels like she's just agreeing with whatever is going on.

The texts consist of many things from Veronica not going to school today, again, to Nessa telling us she's participating at the school like a helper until we graduate, to Joseph and Daniel spending the day together since they were supposed to have their date yesterday.

Everyone is just going to leave me at school today? What a bunch of bitches.

I get dressed...ah well it's the same thing every day.

Walking in the hallways passing the time cause miraculously I got to school too early, I see Natalie who spots me and asked where Joseph is and tell her that he ditched school to go on a date with Daniel.

She called him a bitch for doing that and I laugh which ends up starting a conversation between us until first block starts.

She's a cool person and from what Joseph says about her, you clearly wouldn't see that when you first meet her.

Either scrolling through TikTok or just blankly spacing out, the ever-so-lasting day finally comes to an end but right before the last block ends Mr. Fritz gets a call and tells me to head down to the principal's office.

I didn't even do anything, why am I getting called down for?

When I get to the front office I say hi to Sheryl, the lady at the front, and she as always says hi and points to the principal's office.

Walking in ready for whatever I was called down for I was surprised to hear it wasn't anything bad. Mrs. Dexton tells me that she just wanted to congratulate me in person for upping my grades and being able to graduate with my year.

I look at her with a "are you fucking serious" look and she just laughs and tells me to have a nice day.

The nerve that women has to scare me like that.

Walking out and heading home I pause because I got a text from Isabelle telling me to meet her at roses and so I change directions and head on over.

Isabelle waves at me from a booth and I wave back while walking towards her. I sit down across from her and her smile grows bigger when she says "I didn't know if I wanted to call this a date but I just wanted to see you" I smile back to be nice and say "it's alright, so how was your day?" I wanted to start off with small talk so it isn't awkward.

The entire time me and Isabelle are talking I keep looking to the booth posted diagonally to the right side of us because this dude wouldn't stop looking at me. I actually know him, Tristan, he's from the football team in our school.

I try to shrug off the fact that Tristan is creepily watching me by continuing to have a nice time with Isabelle.

The more and more we talk and laugh, the faster time goes by and it's already sunset. Isabelle gets up and asks if we can have another day like this and I nod and say "I'll text you" and she gives one last smile and walks off.

I pay for the food because I said I would and before getting up Tristan walks over and hands me a note and says "please open it when your alone" and walks off. God if it has anything to do with this supernatural stuff imma pull my hair out.

I walk home and make it just before it gets completely dark. I open the note and it reads "hey it's Tristan but I guess you already knew that anyways I just wanted to know if you would ever want to go out with me? It's totally fine if you don't want to or don't swing that way and if you don't just act like this never happened but if you do here's my number" I- I have never received a letter let alone from a guy before. I text Joseph to see if he'll help but I just FaceTime him instead cause it'll be better if I could see his expression before doing anything.

I make sure none of my family can hear me as Joseph picks up.

"Hey what's up?" He asks and I show him the note and read everything it says and he laughs and then Daniel enters the frame and asks what's going on and I repeat everything I told Joseph. "So what do I do? I mean he's cute but how do I even know if I actually do like guys?" I say while Joseph finishes laughing "look you told me you also like guys and who knows it might spark something if you go out with Tristan" he says and Daniel asks to see what he looks like and Joseph pulls up a picture and I ask why he has a picture and he responds with a laughing tone "cause he asked me out too" oh my god is this even a good idea.

"I mean Tristan is cute right, Daniel?" Joseph says and Daniel agrees and they both suggest I text him and just go on from there, I strictly tell them if anything goes wrong it's in them and hang up.

I take a deep breath and add his number and text him hey, it doesn't take long for a response. "I didn't know if you were gonna take my number but I'm glad you did" he responds along with a smiley face and we carry on with a normal conversation until he asks if he can take me out on a date tomorrow and I hesitate before answering yes and he says he'll pick me up at six sharp.

I put down my phone and I'm actually looking forward to this date but I'm also gonna text Joseph to be there not visibly for support.

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