Chapter 56: Eli Bennet

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Just realizing this now, I never got a chance to take a step back and collect myself after Natalie's Funeral.

My life has always been one thing after another and sometimes I can handle it but right now I feel like I'm holding on by a thread.

I never really got a chance to understand my feelings because I've been too busy with the last few days.

Chasing after Joseph, Checking up on everyone, seeing how Veronica is doing after having her humanity back, seeing how Daniel is doing without Joseph, and how Nessa is handling things while coming up with a better way of stopping Laurel.

Running back and forth I became exhausted, and not only that, I've been keeping Tristan in the dark. I haven't talked to him all that much since Joseph went all murder happy.

I just have to take it one step at a time.

I text Tristan saying that I have a surprise for him later today but really I just want to spend time with him now that I have the chance to.

I hang out with my family for a while, playing board games and having fun.

"You're acting happier than usual, what's up?" Serena says and I try and play it off.

She keeps bugging me until I break, "okay fine, I just want to spend more time with you guys in case anything happens" I say and she scoffs walking away, what the hell does that mean.

I tell everyone that I'm going to Veronica's but they're too busy having fun to hear me.

Once I get to her house she opens the door before I can even knock. "Didn't expect you today, what's up?" She says letting me.

Her mom greets me and offers to make me food, I decline and Veronica leads me to her room.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing, I know it's been four days since you've gotten your humanity back but I just wanted to make sure you're all good," I say and she looks at me with bliss.

She hugs me as she says, "thanks but I'm all good, better even, getting my humanity back has made me realize that both the good and the bad emotions make me stronger, have you gotten a chance to focus on yourself?" I take a step back and I know what she means but how can I find that for myself.

I get going leaving her house and heading to Joseph's to check on Daniel.

I notice him sitting on the porch with his eyes close, he opens them when he hears me coming.

"Oh hey, what's up?" He asks and I shrug taking a seat next to him. "Just wanted to see how you are doing with Joseph leaving, again," I say and he laughs.

Looking at him confused and with a bit of concern, he says, "I'm fine, I'm glad that he's seeking help, even if it is just two states over but now that I know he's okay I can finally relax and collect myself, what about you? You okay?" Can people stop asking me my questions.

I nod letting him know that I'm okay which in truth I don't know if I am.

I get up saying goodbye and walk over to Tristan's, on my way there I spot Nessa sitting alone at the park. I could spare some time.

"Hey, what are you doing here alone?" I ask walking closer and she looks at me as if her mind is clear for once. Lucky her.

"I've spent hours trying to come up with a way to stop Laurel without hurting her and if I continued I probably would've lost my mind so I came here to get some air and keep myself together, what about you?" She says and I bite my tongue when she says her question.

I smile at her and say, "I'm just heading over to Tristan's, I've been checking up on everyone and they all seem good" she gets up and hugs me.

"You deserve happiness, we've put a lot of stress on you and I'm sorry for that but I think now it's your turn to figure out what it is that will keep you going," she says walking away.

I hear what everyone's saying but I don't want to cling on to something knowing that I could lose it in all this, maybe it's time to switch it up as Nessa says, find something that will keep me going. 

Once I get to Tristan's I knock on the door and he looks at me with contentment when he opens the door. Letting me in he says that his family is making dinner and would love for me to meet them, I accept and meet his family for the first time.

Dinner is going well, his parents seem to like me and his siblings are not afraid to bully him in front of me exposing his embarrassing stories.

After dinner, I help clean the table and I ask Tristan if we can talk somewhere private.

Leading me to his room I prepare myself for what I'm about to say.

I close his door and say, "Tristan you mean a lot to me, you've helped me realize a lot of stuff about myself that I would've never learned until it was too late" he sits on his bed getting worried but that's not where I'm taking this conversation.

"You do mean a lot to me and I don't think I can keep this away from you anymore, I'm a werewolf " I continue, and as soon as I say that he looks at me with disbelief.

I explain a little more for context because just saying "I'm a werewolf" sounds weird on its own. 

He starts chuckling while saying, "wait so the myth that Mr. Fritz told us is true? So my boyfriend is a werewolf" he's taking this surprisingly well.

He gets up and walks toward me and in a panic, I say, "yep, and Joseph is a witch and Veronica is a vampire, I just couldn't keep it away from you anymore and I felt bad for not talking to you while I was dealing with supernatural things" have I ruined everything?

He cups my face saying, "real or not, I'm happy that you trust me and I don't blame you for leaving me on delivered" that last part was extra.

I look at my hand and transform it into my wolf form. I revert it back and look at Tristan who looks amazed, I guess now he believes me. 

"Okay wow, but really I am happy you told me when you didn't have to," he says and now I finally understand what everyone has been saying.

I'm finally free, stress-free, for now, that is but now I have support from not only my friends but from my boyfriend. 

While I was thinking to myself Tristan had other plans. He pushed me to the door making out with me and locking it, we started to help each other undress.

Trying to stay as quiet as possible, we enjoy each other's company tonight.

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