Chapter 61: Joseph Flores

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We stand around looking at each other. I am really confused as to why everyone is looking at me like I just came back from the dead, I only did that once.

I take this moment to walk out to the porch to see if the guy is still there but he's already gone.

"We thought you were dead?" Daniel says with a heartbroken tone, I walk back in and look at them confused.

I repair the window and sit on the couch as they tell me what happened.

"Okay, so you thought I was dead because I didn't respond and cause a stranger showed up using magic?" I say summarizing everything they said.

They nod and I lean back. "Wait how did meeting the past witches go," Veronica asks and I tell them to get comfy.

"It was beautiful, all the past witches were helpful and I met Myriad and my Abuela again, they both helped me accept the two sides of magic, the two sides of me, and just yesterday I helped save the town and now my magic is stronger than it was before," I say and they all tell me that they're happy for me.

I fumble with my fingers as I continue, "that's why I'm here, I would've stayed a little longer but I had a premonition basically, I saw you guys in danger and I saw what Laurel did with the magic in the last tree, she hid it's remaining magic in three people, giving one the abilities of the witch, the other the vampire abilities, and the other the werewolf abilities"

Veronica and Eli scoff and Veronica says, "so now Laurel is living her immortality through budget versions of us? Wow, that's a whole new low for her" I laugh at her response to the serious matter at hand.

Everyone sort of disperses for a little to handle the new information in their own way.

I watch Daniel walk out through the back door and I follow him. "Daniel, you okay? I know I had you scared and I'm so sorry about that" I say as he stares into the woods.

"I know that you can take care of yourself but I can't help but feel useless as I watch you get hurt and become a target for everyone, what am I supposed to do? I don't want to lose you but it would also be selfish of me to ask you to not do anything like that" he says crying as he turns to face me.

I've given him a lot of stress and scares, I never wanted him to go through what he's going through now.

I grab his hand and say, "Daniel you are the most important person to me, you are not useless and you are not selfish for wanting to keep me safe but you and I both know that we're in this together and we'll deal with this together because I'm not going anywhere" he smiles and I think his tears start turning into happy tears as they start falling faster.

Wiping away his tears I cup his face and say, "you know I love you" he smiles even bigger and kisses me.

He pulls away from the first kiss saying, "I love you too" and goes back to kissing me again.

Sharing this amazing moment we are interrupted by Eli who says that they have a new note.

We laugh and head inside. Nessa reads the note and this time it's by Laurel saying that she wants to meet us again on the hill with the abandoned house.

You know nothing good ever comes when we go up there.

Everyone says that we should go but I look at Daniel to make sure he's up for this. "Let's go see what this bitch wants, sorry Nessa," he says and Nessa takes no offense.

We walk to the hill and when we get there we see the three new buddies standing with Laurel.

"What do you want this time Laurel, you can't win against us," Nessa says and Laurel walks closer.

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