Chapter 54: Joseph Flores

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I probably should've kept the motel room cause now I'm uncomfortable and tired. I would kill for a bed right now, I mean I could.

I don't have much time before Veronica tells the others where I am and they try and stop me, not like they'll succeed but they will waste my time.

I gather my things to head to the last location of the tree and it hasn't even hit noon when I hear knocking come from the church doors, they move fast.

I open one of the doors and to my surprise, it's Laurel instead of who I was expecting.

"Well come in," I say gesturing her in. She takes a quick look around the place before she gets to the point as to why she's here.

"I see you that you killed two of my trusted friends and two of my trees, you do realize that once you kill the trees the magic comes back to me making my magic stronger," she says trying to intimidate me but I already knew that.

I nod pretending that I didn't, making her have her moment before I ruin it.

"Yeah I know, I could feel the magic you know, you're just lucky I can't kill you yet or I can but you'll come back," I say jokingly and her smile fades.

Now I'm getting to her. In fact, I scared her to the point that she doesn't say anything but attack.

Honestly, she isn't worth it, when she uses her magic I catch it in my hands and return it back having her skid across the floor. How ironic that the first time we fought she did the same to me.

In an attempt to escape she uses her magic again but I deflect it away making a hole in the church. I roll my eyes and say to myself, "I'll repent later"

Walking back to get my stuff together I hear another knock on the door, it would be stupid for her to come back.

I turn around to see a man walk in. Confused I say, "what do you want?" He looks around in shock and looks at me.

"What in gods name are you doing here, you have destroyed the home of the lord," he says and I realize that he's one of those people.

I ignore him and walk away to get my stuff. I hear a gunshot and everything goes black.

My vision is slowly coming back but my body isn't reacting.

I blink a few times to see that I'm on the floor with blood around. Gathering up my strength I'm able to stand up and I can feel blood dripping from my head.

I touch the open wound on my forehead, feeling a bullet, and take it out. I can feel my wounds heal and close up. "You made a deal with the devil," the man says in fear.

I stare at him and then smile as I say, " first of all, ow, second, you can call it making a deal with the devil but I call it not giving a fuck" and with a flick of my hand his neck is broken and I clean the blood off my face and walk back.

I guess dark magic has the ability to bring me back to life but I guess it's a one-time thing as I feel my magic a little weaker but give it a few minutes.

Hours pass and I sit on one of the benches. Will I finally be able to stop this? I think to myself. All the suffering and death will finally be stopped.

I burn everything and prepare to head to the hiking trail outside of town.

I stop in my tracks to see Veronica walking in. "Does everyone have a bone to pick today?" I say getting frustrated with the number of people stopping me.

"I came here in hopes that I can stop you and bring you back before you do something stupid and go for that last tree," she says with a sympathetic tone and I scoff saying, "you know I think you guys need to get it into your thick skulls that this is me and I'm not changing" now she's getting ready to fight.

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