Chapter 10: Veronica Thompson

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When I became a vampire I expected it to be a little more of a twilight experience with the whole shiny skin and no sleep but all I get is burning skin and I'm tired all the time along with the craving for blood.

I try to follow Nessa's recommendation of drinking animal blood instead of humans but it's just one big challenge I have to overcome.

It's the weekend and that means we have the freedom to do whatever we want without school hanging on our backs.

Still laying in bed I decide to text the group chat that I set up with me, Joseph, Eli, and Daniel. I really need to get Nessa a phone, all this time and still no phone?

"Do you guys wanna get breakfast at roses?" I texted and wait for a reply which I thought would take longer but in seconds I get a response from Daniel agreeing that we should and Joseph and Eli follow behind.

Better get changed then.

Before heading outside a strong gust of wind blows the door wide open, it's not even windy outside, I...what?

I don't know what happened but it's probably nothing, I close and lock the house door, and head on over to roses.

Halfway there Nessa appears out of nowhere and acts as if we don't have psycho heading towards us at any moment.

She's so happy and just talks about the people here, it's been such a long time since I've talked about anything other than school or my future.

Heading inside the diner, the three guys have found a booth and are laughing and waving for us to join in.

We have placed our order and started making dark humor jokes about our newly founded lives and Nessa looks confused and we continue to laugh.

We explain why we are laughing but I don't think she found all that comforting but still laughs cause deep down it's still funny.

As our laughter has calmed down Joseph chimes in saying "so good news I've found a way for Eli to control his transformation on the full moons" Eli's face lights up and so down mine, now he won't be in pain every full moon gives me relief and Nessa congratulates Joseph in figuring it out.

We all finish our food and begin parting way back to our homes, enjoying the time that we had carefree slowly comes to an end when I find my front door open.

I carefully walk in looking to see if the intruder is still inside but all I see is the furniture thrown all over the place. On the kitchen counter, I find a note that says "I guess I had to take something else since you weren't here, you should find her at greypoint hospital" signed L, that bitch was in my house.

I texted everyone what had happened as I use my speed to reach the hospital quicker.

I slow down and ask where my mother is and they give me her room number and I make my way there, how could I let something like this happen.

I finally reach my mom and her body is covered in bruises, some minor than others but I can't believe this happened. Her doctor walks in and tells me that she had sustained injuries most likely caused by falling but I tell her that she had been attacked and the doctor leaves to inform the police but I remember that they can't get involved so I grab her and compel her "forget what I had told you and will treat my mother with the best care" and she walks away.

"Did you just compel the doctor to give a better treatment?" Joseph says as he walks in the room, "I just want her to be okay because of my she's in here" I say while holding back my tears as Eli and Daniel walk in.

"So how is she?" Eli says and I tell them that she'll be okay and Nessa, the last one to come in, asks for the note and I hand it over. Examining it she asks Joseph if he could perform a location spell to find where Laurel is and we agree to do it at home.

I just want to focus on my mom, for now, I told the others that they can go if they want but they choose to stay with me and Daniel runs to his care to get pillows and blankets for me, I bet he thought I would stay, how sweet of him.

We all take seats around the room waiting for my mom to wake up.

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