Chapter 12: Eli Bennet

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I really, really don't want to go to school today but this is my final week before I graduate so I gotta up my game.

I plan to round all my C's and into B's which doesn't seem possible considering it's the final week they are hosting a workshop to help students get their grades up by taking tests that proves they are worth the grade improvement, I can't believe I'll ever be grateful for tests.

I take a ride with Daniel and Joseph to school and Joseph hands me some notes on the subjects I need help in, god I hope I can pass.

"You take the tests today and tomorrow after school right?" Says Joseph while he's rummaging through his backpack and I respond with a yes and he replies as he pulls out his phone "then I'll make sure not bother you with our issues until you pass"

Daniel parks the car and I head straight to class cause I got a long day ahead of me. I was able to understand much of the lesson in my classes and thanks to Joseph's notes I don't feel that nervous and I make my way to the outdoor eating area for lunch meeting up with the group.

"Alright gang I'm gonna be honest not really looking forward to meeting Laurel," Joseph says and Veronica quickly responds "not sure we all are considering the only thing she wants to do is murder us but no biggie right?" I can basically feel their nervousness and fear starting to rise but Daniel quickly stops those feelings from growing "even so we all have each other and Nessa said you guys are stronger than the others before, so that's gotta be something and you'll understand your abilities better, don't bring yourself down" I couldn't have said it better myself.

With that quick reassurance, lunch is over and I get ready to finish the rest of my classes. I admit I am starting to feel nervous but it ain't that bad besides the fact that if I don't pass I won't graduate but no pressure.

I head to the testing room and the instructor tells me to take a seat and wait. After a few minutes they hand me a test that has two subjects, I thought there would be more, I raise my hand and ask "isn't there supposed to be more subjects?" And the instructor tells me that those are the only subjects I gain a better grade in and the rest are C's and B's, I thought I had D's in the mix, guess I was doing better then I thought.

After long hours of testing, I finished and hand the packet to the instructor and I should get my results in 2 days.

My hands are sweaty and I head on home. When I get home I put my stuff in my room and hop in the shower to feel clean again. I get out and dry myself, put on clothes, and eat good food, thank god this will be the final week of fake food.

Everyone else has plans, my siblings have soccer practice that dad's taken them to and my other dad is taking extra shifts. With the silence, I head out to the woods to get better at my wolf abilities.

Now Joseph said this ring would stop me from forcefully transforming on the full moon and I wonder if it'll help me transform whenever I want. I prepare myself for the excruciating pain but I start off with my arm, concentrating I struggle to even turn my arm into a wolf arm but soon I get it, a little painful but definitely better than the first time I transformed.

I get comfortable transforming my arm that I feel I'm up for a whole transformation so I place the mindset of changing and feeling free in my mind and I start to feel my bones cracking but isn't painful, I open my eyes and I've fully transformed, the last time I lost consciousness but now I can see everything, I run with no care, faster and faster until I get tired.

I found myself back at the training spot Nessa picked which means, yep I'm behind Joseph's house but I hear sticks breaking and hiding. I see two men with hunting guns looking at the tree Veronica kicked me too, never noticed how hard she kicked, thank god for quick regeneration. Why are they searching here in the first place? Could they have known about us?

Before things get crazy I leave the area back to my house, I transform back to my human self forgetting I shredded my clothes upon turning I run quickly inside the house and cover my naked self.

Damnit and those were my favorite pajamas too.

I'll tell the others what I saw tomorrow, for now, imma just enjoy the fact that I have my transformation down, could use a little more practice but I'm happy.

I hear the door open and my siblings racing to my room to tell me what went on at practice and I listen and let the night go on.

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