Chapter 18: Veronica Thompson

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Ever since we found out that Laurel is heading this way to cause terror and death to us all it's been surprisingly nice, everything is going smoothly.

There hasn't been anything to worry about and training has been going well, mom is feeling better than ever, Eli has found two love interests, Joseph and Daniel's relationship is growing ever so strong, and I, now that I think about it haven't really done much.

I'll take this moment to get to know Nessa a little more considering she just entered our lives to help us prepare for a large amount of suffering.

I'll actually take the whole day to do that. I texted her if she wanted to hang out and replied "of course but don't you have school?" I shrug it off and respond back "we really only have three days left so it isn't a big deal, so I'll meet you at your place?" And quickly respond with a thumbs up, nice to know she's getting used to the phone mechanics.

I arrive at her place and I was really expecting something bigger but I guess it makes sense for her to live in an apartment complex since she would have to jump from place to place after a few years.

She meets me at the front doors and takes me up to her apartment. It's really cozy, from all the dripping plants to the natural light and fluffy pillows it really makes you feel comfortable and at peace.

"Would you like anything?" She asks but I shake my head for a no and we sit in silence for a moment until I ask "So have you always lived here?" I of course immediately regret saying that cause I already know the answer but she laughs a little before saying "yes actually, granted I do have to leave it a few years but I always come back, it's my home away from home" I have a feeling this will go a lot more smoothly then I expected.

After a few more small talk conversations I wanted to go deeper to learn more of her background and I ask if it was okay if course before prying and she nods so then I ask "so where did you get that scar?" Pointing at the medium size scar above her left eyebrow.

"Heh well two years after the first supernaturals we're given life Laurel grew jealous that I would be leading them for preparation every time they resurfaced so one night she snuck into my room and tried to kill me but she couldn't so she gave me this scar, she was exiled a few days later for that but it didn't stop her from hunting us," she says while looking at her rings on her fingers and I put my hands over hers and give her a warm smile and suggest we go for a walk outside.

Knowing I pushed a little too far back there I wanted to make her feel better by asking if she had any good memories of Laurel and she begins by saying "there was this one time when we were kids that we would sneak out past the walls to the village on the other side because the kids on our side were "too sophisticated" for being surrounded by mankind's most intelligent people and this was like thousands and thousands of years ago, they were smart for figuring out how to build small structures or even lighting a fire"

I always forget Nessa is so much more older than she appears and it's amazing that magic has existed for a very long time from what Nessa shares it seems like it has been there since the dawn of time which could've meant there was a part of civilization out there far more advanced because of magic over the years until this point in time, gets me even more excited about it.

Nessa goes on sharing more and more fond memories of her and Laurel and it's endearing to know she still holds those memories of Laurel.

"So what exactly did the magic give you? I know you mentioned something about power but what exactly does that mean?" I ask while walking ahead to turn and face her. She plans to show me and as she moves her hands in a slow pattern motion she says "using Joseph's words, in a similar sense it's like the avatar but isn't because it's the physical power of magic, it manifests as a direct flow of magic and is a destructive power that can destroy anything in its path which is why I only resort to just using it just for healing and protection purposes along with connecting the three of you guys together but I can still kick ass with all martial art techniques I learned over the years"

With a magnificent sight to be seen, Nessa gives more of a preview of what she can do and it's literally nothing like the avatar, guess Joseph wasn't really paying attention to her abilities but there so cool, she's like one of those hero's you see in movies.

We walk back to my house as it gets dark and as we say our goodbyes and goodnight, Nessa quickly says "another thing about my abilities is that there tied to my father so if I use them completely they'll deplete and I won't have them anymore, I'll only use them if necessary but I know you guys are tuff so I don't have anything to worry about" she says it with a big smile but I just wanted to know something because of that "does that mean if you use it completely you'll just die?" I ask with concern but she shakes her head and says "oh god no, it'll refresh the next year, the magic that created these powers also keeps me alive even after millennia" and she walks off back to her apartment.

I'm glad I got to know her more but jeez her explaining her powers took a lot just to understand, feel bad for whoever created them if it was a choice on what it'll be.

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