meeting her

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i haven't talked to any of my friends since any of this. so today i'm taking brooke to meet them and explain what went on with katelyn. i just bathed brooke in the sink with the assistance of my sister. my mom finally explained to them what happened. except when she told will, she obviously left out the part of where babies come from. i have brooke laying on my bed while i try to dress her. she's screaming.

josh: i know i know. you hate clothes. me too kid. me too. but you gotta wear them

she continues to scream. i ended up having my mom help me just swaddle her in a blanket because i could tell how i comfy the clothes were.

mike: josh your sure you can drive with her in the car?
josh: ya i'm good
michelle: alright then. here's the diaper bag. there's a bottle in there too along with a binky.

i thank her and go get brooke into her brand new car seat before driving off to bryce's house where we all decided to hangout.


bryce texted me to just come in. i go up to his room.

josh: hey...

they all look up.

avani: hey josh!
addison: aww is that your cousin? she's adorable!

amelie comes over and takes brooke from my arms to hold her.

josh: um actually- this is my daughter brooklyn

they all look at me shocked. i sit down and explain to them everything. they all get upset about kate leaving. mainly amelie.

charli: she just left?
josh: ya. i kinda get it but like- i don't at the same time
jaden: so your taking care of brooke on your own?
josh: well for now my mom is teaching me how to take care of her. then i'm gonna move into katelyns old house and go back to work. carmen is gonna watch brooke while i work. i've already spoken to her
blake: well we're all here for you bro
bryce: seriously. if you need literally anything at all- we've gotcha
josh: thanks guys
anthony: plus- she's adorable. i'll gladly babysit whenever

i laugh a bit. all day i hangout there. i still have a bit of trouble feeding brooke, so the girls helped out with that.


i drive back home and go inside holding my sleeping little girl.

michelle: hey. how was she?
josh: good
michelle: how'd they all take it?
josh: they're upset about her leaving. mostly amelie. but they love brooke
michelle: ah. how are you doing?
josh: eh i'm hangin in there for now.

she hugs me.

michelle: your strong. your going through a lot right now but your handling it well. if you wanna talk about it- you know you always can talk to me
josh: thanks mom

i hug her again before going to my room. i lay brooke in her crib before getting ready for bed myself. as soon as i lay down and shut my eyes it feels so nice. i don't get much sleep anymore. i'm either up thinking about kate or i'm up with brooke because she's crying. then most nights, she doesn't stop crying so then i have her sleep on me. she moves around a lot meaning i don't sleep much those nights either. but it's okay i guess.


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