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"Oh really, then please do enlighten the class with a quick recap of the class so far, let it be a type of revision if you must"

'Oh shit, I did not know where we were'

There was a thud and when I looked at the source it was Georgia, she gestured to me that we were on page 154. I then looked it up in my book, while Sir was busy helping Georgia pick up the fallen stationary back up to her bench. I quickly glanced through and when Sir stood upright I gave him a brief of what I assumed was discussed. He was angry and told me that I was right and for met to sit down and pay attention.


I did not give her a smile not did I look at her completely knowing and feeling her eyes on me. I was truly a brat. After the bell rang I went outside only to be blocked by Georgia. I raised my brow at her and she just had this small frown and then she held me by the hand and dragged me towards her locker. Normally I would say a teasing comment but I kept quite. I guess she noticed it too and her frown deepened. 

"Cameron" she said

I just stayed quite and rooted in my spot and looked away.

" Look I am really sorry, I really did not mean to hurt. I really really mean it, It was really not my intention to make you feel bad. This has made me feel really bad. I really don't know how to really tell my feelings.... I-I -I am really sorry. Please forgive me." she said, having tears swarming in her eyes and a little longer I was sure it was going to fall down her pink cheeks. 

I then looked at her and slowly said " You do realize this right..." she looked down and was nodding her head "You do realize that you have said the word 'really' nearly seven times in your less than half a minute speech right?" I said with a grin. She then looked up and and blinked and suddenly jumped up and down and then into my surprised arms. 

'What the hell' I was frozen now. She then realized where she was and then steeped back and with a sheepish smile softly said" Does this mean I am forgotten or do you want more really's?"

"For now this is fine, your apology wasn't that great and heart moving by the way. I just accepted it because I don't like seeing girls cry and you were on the verge of breaking your dam" 

She proceeded to hit my arm lightly to which I replied " You are so violent woman". She laughed reminiscing me saying the same words to her in the library a few days back. "Oh and by the way Thank you for the save in class"

"Your welcome. It was nothing" she said. " So do you want to continue with our English essay today at your place?" I looked at her with a amused and cocky smile. She then blinked twice and she said " That is not what I meant and you know it, Don't give that look" and then proceeded to hit me on my arm again.

" You are so violent woman.... I'll text you" I said and we both burst out laughing. The bell rang and we went our separate ways to our next class. I don't know about her but my face really really really had a small smile. Ha ha ha.

Classes were the same and it got over pretty fast when Lunch approached. I went into the cafeteria and was surprised to see that magically the pizzas that they were serving looked fresh and just out of the oven and edible.  I went to the line to wait for my turn and when I went to pay for it I asked the lunch lady why was the food edible today. She rolled her eyes and told me that our school now had a new cook. Wow, I like this cook already. Let him be here for a very long time, at least till I graduate. Bless his soul.


So what do you think so far?

So confession time!!!!!

I initially had a rough draft with a proper story line and everything planned out. However due to some very unforeseen situations, I lost all of the information that I had stored away and so now I have to really have to rely on my memory of what I might have possibly written. let me tell you, my memory is really really really bad. >-<. 

Now most of the time I am just writing what comes to mind in that particular time. It is spontaneous. So you might find out a lot of filler chapters where there is not much action or cute romance but has a lot of descriptions. It does add to the story by setting the stage.... Sorry for that. 


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- micromaxpsy

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