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" ahhh no.... none of my enemies are innocent or good. I don't have innocents as enemies or foes. I don't differentiate on the basis of my personal bias is all. Even if I have never interacted with that person or I am not overly fond of that person I will help them as long as they are not in the wrong." I said

She just stared at me like I was the greatest person walking on the face of this planet. I gotta admit I was very satisfied with her response and I felt really proud of myself.


Cameron POV

" wow that is so nice. You know I did not expect this from you"

"what do you mean you think I am a bad person"

" well yes... I mean no. It is just that I did not expect you to be this righteous"

" so you think I have no morals and I am not worthy of being a human."

" nooooo.... I mean that you went above my expectations. I just did not expect your personality to be this good"

" so you agree.... You think my personality is shitty"

" I don't think so now" she said.

" so you did think that before"

" kind off.... But now I know what a great person you are. God I am digging my own grave deeper. Am I not?" she asked with a sheepish look. I just nodded and took a deep breath and I said

"so you mean to say that I was not even good enough to be in your presence before. You know I generally don't care much about my assignments till the very last minute and all but I wanted to be nice and do the assignment with you so that you won't be disappointed and curse me because you were stuck with me as you partner. I was also being considerate as you did not want to invite me to your house to do the assignment and even though I would be out with my friends now. I told my friends to not disturb us as we will be doing this stupid assignment and told them to not come here as you seem like the person who is uncomfortable in the presence of others. I kept in mind everything just so you would have a good environment to work and in the end you label me as an inconsiderate, rude, manner less jerk. Wow Georgia... this is so not what I want to be called" I said in an accusing tone.

I looked at Georgia. She looked like she was ashamed of herself and embarrassed. She looked like she wanted to go hide in a corner and cry so much that she passes out. 

I wanted to console her and hug her, but i knew that if I wanted her to get closer to me then it should not only be me that is approaching her, but she should also make some effort to talk to me and gain my attention. I feel really bad but i can not help this.

I need her to have the urge to talk to me and the most classic way for anyone to crave your attention is for them to feel guilty and ask for forgiveness. Then she would always want to look at me. She will be consumed in thoughts about especially now that she knows that I am righteous. She will want to talk to me and beg for forgiveness, while I pretend to try to escape and ignore her. This way I can plague her mind with only me and there is a really high percentage of chance that she will get closer to me. 

I sighed a long one and turned to her massaging my temples "you should probably get going you know we can discuss this assignment some other time. We have about a month and half more to do this right so... we can do it later. It is getting dark you should head to your house. I would drive you to your house but I am sure you don't want to be see with the likes of me. You are better off without me anyway. I will call a taxi for you if that is okay or do you not want to sit in a taxi that I hailed?" I asked her in a soft voice

She tried speaking but could not form any words and so she said "it is okay"

I went out and hailed a taxi and told her that the taxi was outside and I paid for it too. All she needs to do is tell the driver her address. She just nodded and almost inaudibly whispered 'i'm sorry', to which I pretended like I did not hear anything. She got into the taxi and left.

I was so angry at myself for fooling her that I punched a hole in the wall. My knuckles started bleeding and I still did not feel better so I broke the coffee table... I made a mental note to call the cleaning crew to get everything fixed. All the broken things in my living room had to be replaced.

I just went up to my room and slept to try and forget everything. Why do I feel so bad? I mean why am I taking this so personal. I had to deceive people on my previous missions but I did not feel bad. This is so same yet so different. This is confusing me. what the hell is wrong with me?


 so what do you guys think? let me know 

what are your opinions. 

thank you.

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