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Abiram drove us back to the crappy hotel we were staying in and we went into our separate rooms.

I was so tired and exhausted then just as my head hit the pillow I was asleep. I slept peacefully subconsciously thinking about Georgia and how life would have been if she was not Hunter's sister. I would have genuinely dated her for she had a personality like no other and so bright, I wanted to bath in all the time.

She was truly beautiful


It was morning and we planned to return back to the FBI office. We all wanted to update them and be done with it. We booked a car and we then traveled. By the time I reached home it was nearly ten in the night

ring ring ring

"Hey mom" I said tiredly

"Hey darling, you sound tired, did you have your food yet, should call the staff and reprimand them for not feeding you" she said in one breath

"No mom, I'm fine. I just came back from the mission, so I'm just exhausted. About dinner, I told the chef not to make anything cause I was not hungry"

"Sweety,  you have got to eat, you look so thin and malnourished, the last photo that I got of you. You look skinny"

I looked at my bulging muscles "Really mom, now I have to hide from your paparazzi.Why are they stalking me now. Do I have no privacy in my own home" I joked

" Well, I did not stalk you, no paparazzi I promise. I am just worried about you." she said in a small voice

"Mom, your tactics won't work on me, but better luck next time. I seriously can't force myself to eat anymore. Let's stop talking about me and start talking about you. What have you been doing and Dad. How are you both, what's interesting and finally when are you going to come back" I asked 

My mom gave a melodious hearty laugh "Well boy, slow down. We both are very good. It is an easy mission but there is a lot of waiting therefore it's time consuming and nothing else. We are nearing the end and we will be back before you know it"

That was the line they always used when they did not know when they would be home. My mom took my silence as enough proof for her to know that I was upset. After all they were the best parents anyone would ask for. Even if they were not around, they knew me very well. They knew when something was bothering and if something was on my mind and always tried to make me feel better. 

" Zack, I know it is hard for you and honey trust me that we are trying to really trying to finish this mission. It's boring and your dad is wining about the lack of action on this. And I mean it when I say that we are really nearing the end, we just don't know when we will be done, but I promise you that you will see us by the end of the next month, if not by  then the maximum would be two months not more than that. 

I know that when my parents use my real name that they are either angry or serious. I was really surprised when I heard my name being called. It was so sudden and after such a long time that I almost forgot it. Many use the name Cameron itself even if they know my real name, it helps them not mess up. I felt really good hearing that name. I like it more than my undercover name.

"Alright mom, I love you and I love you dad, I know you are eavesdropping into our conversion." I hear my dad's unmistakable boisterous laugh. "Stay safe and come back home soon.... I-I-I- i miss you" I whispered only the last bit. 

"I love you Zack and so does your father so very much" mom said followed by a distant " Love you bud and we are proud of you" from my dad

I hung up and went to sleep

(A/N: His real name is Zack Heart.... I think I have mentioned it before but if not im sorry)


filler chapter... I don't know what I am doing in life. 


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