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Classes were the same and it got over pretty fast when Lunch approached. I went into the cafeteria and was surprised to see that magically the pizzas that they were serving looked fresh and just out of the oven and edible. I went to the line to wait for my turn and when I went to pay for it I asked the lunch lady why was the food edible today. She rolled her eyes and told me that our school now had a new cook. Wow, I like this cook already. Let him be here for a very long time, at least till I graduate. Bless his soul.


I saw Georgia walk up to the line and when she took a bite, Oh my god She looked like she would be perfect for a food commercial. She was comical, Her eyes went big and her mouth opened and she even started jumping lightly. She looked so funny, even I chuckled genuinely. 

I watched her what I thought discreetly, as she was going with her friend Lia to the far table of the end of the cafeteria. Unfortunately, my friends instead of focusing on the food in front of them which might I add was absolutely begging them to give it attention watched me like I have gone crazy. 

Especially Ryan, that idiot had a huge grin on his facing and was even mocking me. He gave me a nudge and when I turned to him and whisper yelled "what", he had the audacity to laugh. Not the this is funny laugh but the I am gong to die of laughter and my intestines are right about to spill and my stomach is aching but I don't care, I am still going to laugh Laugh. Curse him to all the way down to the worst part of Hell and God make sure only his Pizza is bad. Ohhh Pizza, Damn the chef is really good.

After his insane laughter of him falling of the tiny for his ego and ass chair due to laughing, he composed himself while the entire population in the cafeteria looked at us and snickered silently. He nudged me again, and that irritable good for nothing nudged me so hard that the lovely toppings feel right out of my pizza. Dude 

"I am going to count to ten and if you are still here, then trust me on this I will torture you and make sure you stay alive and conscious throughout the entire process. " I said. While all of my other friends laughed. Ryan had a deer in the headlights look because he was the only one who knew that I would actually go trough with my treat a hundred percent. So he left his pizza and ran out the door in maximum speed that he could manage. Nothing I could not catch up to if I wanted to.

I counted till about 4 and then took his plate that was loaded with the goodies and gobbled them all up. OHHH... my tummy is definitely happy.

The day goes on, and when I went home, my parents sent me a surprise. I just got a new laptop with the updated version of my father's code for me to play. It sort of is like a video game, but much more better, it has real time tracking and we used to use it a lot when I was younger. My father used to leave me clues on it and I used to crack them only to be rewarded with a chocolate. I used love chocolates. I like them now.  

It was a really nice time, we could play this even if he was half way across the globe. Fun times I sighed.

I took my new laptop and browsed through all the features and checked out my Dad's newest update on the program he created. By the time I was done, I was sleepy and I went to bed and randomly started thinking about the comical character that I came across in the cafeteria while looking down on the pizza.

Ohh the PIZZA was divine. bless the cook. 


So.... Yeah..... Ummm.... I don't know.....

Please do         Vote. Share 

I also just realized that in my previous chapter and chapters I did say    Vote. Share and Like.... I am not sure why, I mean this is not the YouTube or something. I have been watching a lot of videos and it just came out this way. Hehehe

also so much about the pizza, this is because I am hungry and I want to eat pizza, but my country is currently under lock down and my parents do not I repeat DO NOT want to risk our health by ordering food home and so they are not letting me eat pizza.... from nearly two years.

So this is me swallowing my pride standing (I mean sitting) in front of you..... saying Im sorry for 

this frustration on wanting to eat pizza... God bless pizza.... I WANT A PIZZA

I am not done ranting, but I will stop.......       for now.

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