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She came back "Is everything all right?" I asked

"Its just my aunt..... Nothing important. She just wanted to inquire about me" she said

I could tell she was lying. After eating those pancakes she said that it was too late and her plan did not include sleeping over. It is high time she goes home. I nodded and offered to drive her, but she refused it by saying that I was sick and she did not want to trouble me even if I had only light fever. I am still recovering.


The weekend was up and I did not contact Georgia for the entire two days. At lunch Georgia came up to me and said that she wants to invite me to her house in the evening to meet her cousin. Her cousin is visiting and her cousin wants to meet Georgia's friends I teased her about her considering me as her friend to which she blushed and left. I immediately said that I would come and for her to send me her address and she did.

I knew that this would be a golden opportunity for me to get more information about Hunter. There is a chance that this guy will be able to help me find Hunter.

I was on the way to Georgia's house and I was bringing along a box of homemade cookies. I knocked on her door and she opened and she was dressed in a lovely light green sundress. She invited me in and led me into her drawing room.

I instantly saw a young man in his late twenties standing near the kitchen counter and was cooking. 

"Welcome, Please have a seat. I'll be with you in a minute" he said and went back into the kitchen.

Georgia gave me a sheepish smile and led me to the dinning table. I gave her the box of cookies. "These are supposed to be home made" I said. She laughed and thanked me and put them on the kitchen counter.

"Alright I really tried making a nice hot home made meal but I am positive you do not want to eat severely smoked with high crispy flavored chicken right?" he asked. I was confused 'Whaatt'

"It's burnt. You don't want to eat burnt food do you" Georgia said and I just shook my head saying no. 

"Umm... Hello sir, I'm Cameron and I go to the same school Georgia goes to as well." I said

"Oh right sorry, Well my name is Sven, I am Georgia's legal guardian. We are cousins and her mother and my mother used to be best friends" he said. We shook hands

"You have got good grip. Good handshake" Sven said to which I smiled politely

"How do you feel about about Chinese food" he asked. I raised my eyebrows and kept quite

"I am not going to cook. I was thinking about ordering the food" he said. Both Georgia and I laughed.

"So.. how is school and any girlfriends" he asked as soon as we sat down at the table. Georgia exclaimed and he just said "Whhhaaattt"

"No worries, School is going good. And no girlfriends" I said

"Why? You look quite handsome or is my question wrong, any boyfriends?" 

"No no sort of romantic relationships I'm involved in at the moment"

"But why?"

"I don't want to date for passing time. I take dating seriously so I am not dating"

"So you have never dated" He said

"Svvveeennn" Georgia hissed

"I have dated but it was only for a really short period of time, not many just two" I said

"Sorry if it is uncomfortable, I just wanted to check on who Georgia's friends are and how they are. Just like the other girl Lia I believe" he explained

" No problem. It is understandable. She lives alone so you gotta make sure she is safe and in the presence of good company" I said

"Thank you for your understanding. Well Georgia has my approval of you continuing as her friend" he said and then mumbled but both Georgia and I heard it " or more if you want". Georgia blushed and I scratched the back of my neck.

It was a pleasant supper and it was quite enjoyable. He was so easy going and nice. I could tell he deeply cares for Georgia. He told me more about himself and he said that he was settled in London and he is the CEO of a small scaled crafts factory. He loves his job and so it is harder for him to monitor and visit Georgia very frequently. 

After the supper we spoke for some more time and then I said my good byes and left. I sat in my car and drove off about two blocks away from her house when I got out my burner phone and texted the technical department all the details I learned about Sven to check if these were true and to get more Intel on Hunter.



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