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My one and only thing that is even keeping me human. They messed with the wrong person. 'But what do I do? How can I convince Georgia to move out. I now know after that supper with Cameron that Georgia without her realizing it is slowly falling in love with him. Cameron cares quite a lot about Georgia. That is for sure but is it enough for him to love her? She might just be in danger and in the middle of hit. If anything goes wrong she will be the first to get hurt. I can't have that. It is vital I find out who it is that found my weakness'


Hunter POV (cont)


After the call with the head cook of Georgia's school. I could not take the risk of waiting for the information on who is trying to seek me out. I called my tech guy and told him to make sure there is a fake ID on a guy named Sven on all governmental websites and to cover up all tracks on it being created recently.

My tech guy did create an entire story and with required credentials, family and everything. I need to visit Georgia and try to scope out more information. 

Flashback ends

I woke up with a splitting headache. 'Ahhh I must have drunk myself to exhaustion'

I dialed the number of the hacker who told me that there was indeed a background check done on Sven my alter created identity. "Yeah I need to you to tell me again who ran the check on Sven"

"It was the FBI sir"


"The day you had the boy Cameron over sir"

"The day I had Cameron over you say'

"Yes sir"

"Cameron, his check came out clean right. He was not associated with any gang or the FBI"

"Yes sir, I am trying to find how the FBI got wind of your story of Sven sir. I will let you know if I find anything"

"Dig deeper on Cameron, Find everything. Wait there was nothing regarding his parents on the file about him"

"Yes sir, there is not much on them. His parents are both business owners. They are extremely low key. They do not go out in public a lot. His parents seem to want to keep their personal lives and information private. There is not much on them."

"Try finding more information on their parents and send me their photos"

"Ok sir"

It has been nearly three hours since the call and I was pacing in my room while Georgia was off to school. 

Ring Ring


"Sir his parents are in the clear but I have sent a photo of them to you"

I opened the mail and clicked on the photo. 'Well no doubt the FBI got it. These idiots I don't even know why I hire them. They do such a crappy job. Bastards!'

Cameron's parents are FBI agents. I would know  I still have the scar. Great people these are. Fabulous in their jobs, so good that they almost got me. Shot me in the shoulder' 

'Cameron is the son of great FBI agents. The only agents who were even close to catching me. The only ones who left an lasting impression both in my mind and my shoulder. The bullet. I know they are good people. SHIT THIS IS BAD!!'

' I need to do something, urgently.'

I dialed my second command's number "Kidnap these people. No harm to be done to them. Treat them with dignity and respect but I want them kidnapped. All forms of communication they have to be stripped off, but they are not to be harmed. Got it"

"Yes sir"

"I am sending you the photo right now. Get it done as soon as possible" I cut the call

"I am sorry Sir and ma'am that I am doing this but I need the FBI to get off my back and put all their efforts in looking for you. I need to buy more time. This is the only thing I can do before Georgia can be safely moved away."


It is a short chapter.... Hehehehe

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