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Cameron pov

It's been two days since I saw Georgia last.
I have been avoiding her like plague. I don't know why, I guess it's because I I'm afraid to meet her, no not a chance. I am not afraid of her. I am Cameron, an awesome FBI agent who has successfully completed all his missions which involved real dangers that was with guns and bombs and life threatening situations.... even though they were easy assignments they were dangerous. Phew this is absurd. I am never like this. I was I mean I am always fearless.

I dragged myself to school today. Normally I don't like going to school because it's way to early but today that does not seem like a fitting reason. I just want to feign an illness and go to bed. Why am I so lethargic today.

I mean I have never snooped around at school or anywhere for that matter. I have never wished to be, not spotted. I never wanted to hide but today I want to do things that I have never done before. I mean I never would have thought of doing this even in my wildest dreams. Oh god I am singing that Taylor swift's song, that mom made me listen too. She is a huge fan of Taylor swift's songs.

The typical welcoming that I receive everyday normally boosts me up..... It is kind of like my personal energy drink. Even that welcoming dint phase me today. I was just irritated.

Luck is so not on my side today. Curse you whoever is the god no the goddess of luck. In my direct vision is the goddess, I mean the girl who has plagued my mind. She was talking to that nerd girl, casually leaning against her locker. Now I took the spontaneous decision to take a complete u turn and head back to my car, but no. As I said lady luck is so not on my side.

Georgia saw me and raised her hand slightly and gave me a small wave with a cute smile on her very adorable face. A small almost non noticeable smile drifted on to my face. Almost as soon as it came I realized and I went to my famous blank face. I gave her a quick nod which was hard to notice if you weren't already paying a lot of attention to me. I tilted my chin in her direction as an  acknowledgement. She seemed hesitant.

Georgia slowly took hesitant steps towards me. It felt like an hour and at the same time the time interval was not enough. She was in front of me now. She shyly asked me

" We were partnered for the English project. Ummm.... So I was kinda thinking.... You know.... That we should probably get started on it right away. It kind of seems like an time consuming assignment" she said

Me not able to help it " so you want to waste no time in trying to spend more time with me. If you wanted to get me alone all you had to do was ask .... Babe. I'd never say no."

" No no no... I did not mean it like that . We actually have that project to do and I wanted to finish as soon as possible so that we can have a few days to proof read it. It's a bit complicated so that's all." Georgia ranted on and on.

" Chillax I was just pulling your leg but anyway why did you seem hesitant to walk over to me?"

" I don't know how to approach you"

" Sorry what? Come again" I said with my tone drowned in amusement and mirth

"Huh" she had this pretty little frown on her face. With those tiny creases between her eyebrows that I wanted to greatly smoothen with my fingers.

"Ohhhhhhh" she said softly. Slapping a hand to her mouth and eyes wide open " I dint mean it like that. I swear it came out wrong. I'm so sorry." She rambled on and on.

"Hey it's ok, but I was a bit preoccupied back in the last English class.... So I'm don't really know a thing about the project. I was not listening to what was happening." I said and then realized that she might ask why because of the questioning gaze she was sporting so I quickly added " that is all because I was texting my friend and so I could not concentrate.... Yeah... So what I'm saying is that I don't know what the project is about!"I said scratching the back of my neck.

Georgia gave a short little giggle and shook her head. She opened her mouth to say something when the bell rang.

" I will tell you the topic later" she said and turned around to go to her class.

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