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It was already lunch break, man! time moves fast when you don't pay attention. I walked with my friends to the cafeteria and was on the subtle lookout for that one specific beauty. You see in my school the seniors and juniors have lunch at the same time. It was designed in this way so that the juniors can ask seniors about tips and notes and doubts or whatever shit the nerds do. It was supposed to be a time when juniors can ask for guidance and seniors tell them some useful tips.

Well that was what it was initially planned and made this way, but now people like me have a wider choice of fish to pick from the ocean for our endeavors. Well we players only study anatomy and nothing else.

Then I saw that the beauty I was looking for and she was sitting with a girl with huge glasses. They were at the table at the far end of the cafeteria. Oh seems like she chose the nerd group. We have a particular hierarchy in school like any other normal high schools. The 'Populars' on top and they sit at the tables in the middle of the cafeteria. Then they are surrounded by wanna be Populars. Then the not so Popular. Then the cool people who are in neither category. Then the nerds, goths, weirdos and the remaining people of the student body.

Ryan my closest friend and he is also part of the FBI.

"Dude what is wrong with you? You have been in outer space from morning?" Ryan asked playfully.

I just scowled at him in a playful manner.

I just needed to tell him it was work and he understood. Anyone who heard me would just be like this guy is loaded so why does he need to work!? So the story I made up to face this bullshit of an problem is to tell anyone who dares to ask if they wanted me to answer was that my mom wants me to be responsible so she made me work in my dad's company.

That Georgia girl, there was nothing off about her. The few things I could pick up in lunch break was plainly that she was quite. Shocker!!!... not this part I had already kind of guessed. She does not like to interact. She was a wallflower. She loves to read. Basically a typical nerd. There was nothing about her that even gave a subtle clue of her being a very dangerous person's sister, so others should be cautious.

Maybe she was trained to not draw attention and to be exclusive to herself only. If that is true I must say she is an excellent actress.

But I am sure I can break all of her walls and I will be successful and will just toss this mission to the numerous success' I had in my career. 

Was I confident or was I over confident. Bleh.. I don't care.

Granted this will take longer than I had expected with her being this way but I surely will win. It's just not me to not win.

I just wish that I don't mess up.

I always had this nagging feeling at the back up of my head when I made up a plan for her to tell me about her brother and family.What I am going to do is wrong but it is the only way for her to trust me blindly.

My plan was to toy with her feelings. 

Just because I am a player it does not mean I don't respect true feelings. I do!  I only hook up with ones who confuse their felling of lust or attraction to love. I have never played with a girl's emotions. All the girls I have hook ups know that I am a player. everyone knows I don't do relationships. I also make sure that my hook ups know that... and if they still come to me and wish for a relationship I turn them down ........ sometimes quite brutally if they don't get it after a few times. They cry and make a fuss but in my defense I warned them before hand and my reputation also serves as a warning. This is not falling for me and they took a wild chance and failed. It is their mistake to think that they can change me or have a relationship. It is their fault completely.

 What am I going to do to get her to tell me about her family is :  I am going to make her fall in love. I know this wrong but this is my only chance to get what I want. 


It is just a filler chapter. 

Please give me some motivation to write by voting, commenting and sharing this book guys. It will mean a lot.


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