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Georgia Pov

I'm sure Lea would not understand the reason of why I'm so happy. She would think that I'm overreacting and that I'm thinking about this way too much. You really can't blame me. I was home schooled my entire life. I never ever left my house. It was a beautiful mansion no doubt. A dream come true for many, but it was just a empty house, an mind blowing and exquisite house tailored for me and my needs I agree, but nonetheless a cage. My interaction towards living beings was extended to my pets, the sweet staff and the gloriously painted walls and the alluring furniture and sometimes the huge paintings hanging on the walls.

It was sad. This is my first interaction with people my age who actually like me for me and not my status or money. So I'm just ecstatic that I have people of my age to talk to. I mean it was even rare for me to see people of my age at home. No one was allowed by my brother.

Oh and one more thing about me is that my only family is my brother. My parents died when I was too little. Honestly speaking I don't remember much about them. Apparently they died in a brutal car accident. I was only four years old then. Therefore as I was the only family to my brother he became super over protective of me. It's a little overwhelming sometimes... Ok I'll be honest most of the times, nevertheless I love him wholeheartedly. No matter how annoying he gets or how he never gets time to spend with me. I mean isn't quality time spending with siblings important even more when I'm his only family. He is who I look up to and he is who I can always rely on. He always thinks about what is best for me. I love him for who he is even when he does things like isolating me from the entire world.

In his way of reason it is the best way of keeping me out of harm's way but I don't know what harm is out there. I think it is so that he doesn't lose me like he lost our parents. I mean he took it quite hard when our parents died. He knew them and he still remembers them. He actually has memories with them. He was around 11 years old when that terrible incident happened. I was born into confinement, but that does not mean I should live my entire life in it. That is the very reason I'm here without my status and background following me.

Okay back to the present, what was it again.... Ummmm..... Oh yea Lea would not understand why I'm happy..... I mean look at this I made my first friend.... Yeah so what if she approached me first we became friends right. And also talking with Cameron

I mean this is the first time I have spoken with a guy and got a positive response. This means that I'm not so bad, right? I knew it I'm not that socially awkward even if I have never spoken to outsiders.

The day went on pretty fast. It was now time to go home. I was walking towards the parking lot when I spotted Cameron. He gave a wave and beckoned me over to him. I walked towards him very much aware of the curious stares I was receiving. They were burning holes into my back and head.

"Hi" he said

"Hello" I said shyly

"So...... About the project" he asked while scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah..... So all we have to do is create a story of our own on any genre. It should be good. It must have all the elements of grammar we were taught in class. Also we need to personalize them. Meaning the characters should be having a few of our own personality factors. In the process of writing the story we must be able to get along well apparently cause we will take a lot of time writing so...., Yeah I guess that is all she said" I finished.

"Oh ok" he said.

I knew he wanted to ask me something else. It was clear that he was hesitating. So I nodded at him and smiled encouragingly.

"It's quite simple don't you think. I mean only 1 person can get this done. It will get over relatively fast I'd we have the plotline. Why are two people working on it. And why is it such a huge deal. It's just about writing a story." He said
( It is so not easy to write a story. It requires a lot of effort and sincerity)

"Honestly I don't know" I said

He gave a smirk and bid me bye and I was on my way to the little apartment that I now call home with a giddy smile on my face.

On the way. That is in the bus instead of listening to music and looking out the window, all I could think was him.


It is really really really really hard to write and what Cameron said was absolutely wrong.

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