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I dialed my second command's number "Kidnap these people. No harm to be done to them. Treat them with dignity and respect but I want them kidnapped. All forms of communication they have to be stripped off, but they are not to be harmed. Got it"

"Yes sir"

"I am sending you the photo right now. Get it done as soon as possible" I cut the call

"I am sorry Sir and ma'am that I am doing this but I need the FBI to get off my back and put all their efforts in looking for you. I need to buy more time. This is the only thing I can do before Georgia can be safely moved away."


Cameron POV

It's been nearly fifteen days since I last got a call from my parents. They have never suddenly disappeared. If they are on a mission that restricts the communication channels, they make sure to tell me, but this time no intimation was ever given. I even went to check on their whereabouts with the FBI. All they could tell me was that even they had lost connection and the trackers are no longer useful. Someone had removed them and thrown them away. I slammed my hand on the steering wheel of my car. This was too much, how can such a reputed organisation lose their best agents and not bat an eye. I know that my parents are good at their job but that does not allow the FBI to sit still.

I was getting more irritated and two days back I even started feeling a little scared for them. No communication, they were no where sighted. They were on a mission in a civilian place not in the middle of nowhere. How could they just disappear. They were not in the Sahara Dessert for them to not been seen by any of the cameras or people. 

If the FBI is not going to take this seriously then I will. This is too personal for me to take it lightly or take more time. This is a sensitive case that hits a lot close to home. 

I glance to the passenger seat. The yellow file that was beckoning to me. This file has all the information regarding my parents' current mission from the developments in the case that were unearthed till the last know information and evidence of my parents' last seen. It had been an absolute menace in obtaining this file. The FBI did not want to disclose this information and I had to fight to even get this for a two day period. This also resulted in me being reprimanded by my chief along with a probation on my entry to the FBI for a week. I also had to send back the file exactly forty-eight hours later, there will be a agent who will come to collect it from my home. 

I sped more onto the lanes not caring for the numerous speeding tickets I will be receiving soon. But can you blame me, I am angry. I finally reached home and I told all the staff to not bother me for the next two days except for food and nothing else. I also did not want anyone near my floor to even disturb me. 

I opened the file and read about the mission. So they were on a mission to bust out one of the drug lords. Interesting fact is that Lane Edwyn was a dirt-bag who is often had squabbles with Hunter. They are not the best of friends and they for some peculiar reasons despite being in the complimentary business. He is a well known drug lord and dabbles a little in other illicit business. 

The obvious thing here is the kidnapping could have been led by Lane, though there is a possibility it was not the obvious. Mom and Dad are at the top of their game. This means they will be able to cover their identities and track when it comes the the person they are tracking. There is no way they will bust themselves especially to someone they want to catch. To think this is a deliberate move on my parents' part is unlikely considering it's my parents that I am thinking about. They will not do this without telling me that there will be a lose of communication between us. So that is out of the window.

Lane Edwyn cannot kidnap my parents for one my parents' aren't stupid enough to get caught. They are highly trained agents and two Lane despite being a drug lord is an absolute idiot. He has no moral boundaries but even he would not go as far as killing or kidnapping and not make demands. There was no reason for the kidnapping by Lane. Also he would know that if people were spying on him and then he kidnaps them, there is got to be a whole other bunch of people who are going to come in search of said kidnapped. It was too high a risk Lane would be making. It would obviously be that this kidnapping would make him the prime suspect, even if he does not figure out that the people he kidnapped are from the FBI. 

So it must be someone from outside. Someone who is not part of Lane's group. Someone with whom my parents' did not expect an ambush from. It has got to be someone outside the known people for Mom and Dad to have their ever high guard down! This also means that I can not completely push away Lane as innocent. He is still to be part of my suspect list but just not at the top.

I stepped back from the huge whiteboard I was using to jot down all these points. Damn my handwriting was barely legible. At least I have got something, I think. I looked outside my window and it was dark, only the moonlight allowing me to even see. No doubt my handwriting is bad. 


Long chapter.....

Yeah, so the action somewhat begins from now on.

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