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"I know about your brother more than you think. Your brother is not the businessman that you think of him as. He is a notorious criminal. He is into import and export of drugs all around the world. In simple words, he is a drug lord. He owns and runs the mafia. He is dangerous. Naive of him to think to keep his beloved sister safe was to make sure she new nothing... or wait a minute was all you did an act and you knew everything and worse you were part of all his dirty business"

She looked at me dumbfounded and tears brimming in her eyes. I knew about her innocence, but it was better to bait her. I was feeling guilty but what other choice do I have


"You are lying, I know my brother. How can you even say anything bad about him. Are you daft and for me to think that you were actually a decent human being. I almost fell in love with you. All you can do is put others around you down to feel superior. God, this is the human and his  character for which I fought my own brother to let me stay here. Unbelievable" With every word she said I started feeling more worse. I can clearly see the love, adoration and respect she holds to her brother, obviously she will not let anyone speak ill of him. One thing is for sure, Hunter did get a gem of a sister.

She was quite hysterical at this point. She is not ready to listen to anything I say. Even if I had solid proof to show her, she will never give it even a glance. I don't even have the bloody evidence, nor did I have the time to sit down and calm her down and then explain when she is of listening mood. 

"Enough. Fine think what you want" I said and strode into her kitchen. I opened her drawers and was rummaging through when her voice warily asked " What are you doing". I wanted to ignite her anger so that she does not think clearly in logic and may slip and give me important information. "Why, what will you do call out bloody murderer. No one would even believe you. Also there is no one in this house apart from us both so good luck. There is no use of stalling either. If I want to kill you, I would do it easily even if you put up a fight. You have no where to go nor call anyone. Oh wait, you do! That brother you hold in such high regards. Yeah go ahead call him. Go on" I urged cynically

"I know you won't harm me" she said

I laughed mockingly " Oh really, where did you suddenly get this new found confidence. This wasn't there before I asked you to call your brother. Oh don't tell me that you already knew about all the atrocities your brother committed and you are in on it. You don't want to relieve his identity and that is the reason you are not calling him. Is it not?" I goaded.

"Noooo. There is nothing of that sort"

"Then what are you waiting for instead of shedding a trail of those useless and fake tears call him" Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she was red in face chocking on sobs. 

"Really then, why are you living on your own, barely an adult you live alone. You don't have any family pictures on your walls. You do not mingle much. You keep to yourself. You don't show or talk about your family. The only person only I and probably your best friend know is that brother of yours, what's his name Sven. That's right Sven and even he is not even anywhere seen most of the times. And you tell me that your brother does things that is not frowned on by society. Wow are you stupid or you are a great actress and a narrator. Also why does no one know that your brother's name is Hunter, why is it a secret that is well guarded." 

She ran upstairs and I banged my fists down on the counter. 'Bloody hell it hurts' . I lost the one person who could actually lead me to  Hunter. I heard her door being shut with a long thud and then heard foot falls hurriedly coming down. The sound increasing by the second. She brought a burner phone and showed it to me.

"Fine you want me to call my brother and prove it to you that he is innocent and all the charges you put on his character are false." She began dialing something on the phone.

"And you tell me that he is not someone people should be vary of. You are using a burner phone for crying out loud." She took a few buttons and pressed on the call. The call rang for a few minutes while she wiped out all the tear stains from her face. 

"Also make sure you don't seem suspicious and don't tell him that I am here or else I will hurt you and  him severely" I said making sure the light bounced of the knife I procured from the kitchen. She nodded and glared at me with a lot of hatred. 

"Hello" came a voice at the other end. I held on tight to the table beside me. My heart beating incredibly fast

"Hi Hunter" Georgia said.

"Georgia are you upset. Why is your voice sounding so dull. Did you cry. What is wrong"

"Nothing" she said and chuckled "I just saw this brother and sister outside and I thought of you. I miss you" she said. Man she can lie well. There was a deep chuckle from the other end.

"Where you currently" she asked

"I am in England sweetie. I'm in London, I have got some important work to do, but don't worry I will ensure I finish it as fast as possible and come and visit you"

"I'd love that actually. Ok bye I have got loads of homework" to do she said softly.

"I am sure you don't. You just don't want to cry on the phone right. It's okay sweetie, I'll visit you soon."

Georgia said bye and hung up. She then looked at me and said something I wanted to strangle myself for. 


Longer chapter!

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