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I was so angry at myself for fooling her that I punched a hole in the wall. My knuckles started bleeding and I still did not feel better so I broke the coffee table... I made a mental note to call the cleaning crew to get everything fixed. All the broken things in my living room had to be replaced.

I just went up to my room and slept to try and forget everything. Why do I feel so bad? I mean why am I taking this so personal. I had to deceive people on my previous missions but I did not feel bad. This is so same yet so different. This is confusing me. what the hell is wrong with me?


The next day I saw her, but I guess she was still upset and so she did not approach me at all. I kind  of wanted her to come and talk to me and it was absolutely awful that she did not even approach me or at least make a fake attempt. I don't like this at all. I mean I don't get why she would just up and ignore me. I did not so anything wrong in fact I made her feel like it was her fault... so why?

This was quite infuriating. I mean I had limited time to find out about her brother. This is was why I was so eager have come and apologize, nothing else. This is not bothering cause she was not talking to me but it was totally me worried about my own track record. I don't want to put a huge dent in it. That is all. I was just not myself the entire day and I am sure all my friends noticed but thankfully they did not say anything. I went back home and I got a call from my parents. I spoke to them for a long time and my mood instantly lit up the second my mom's name flashed on my phone. I love both of them from the bottom of my heart, but it is a huge secret I was a utter mama's boy, I can never bring myself to say no to her and I always did her bidding no matter how much I did not want to do that. It is just not me but my dad as well. We obviously do not I repeat DO NOT under any circumstance want to admit this out loud but my mom has my dad and I at her mercy. We would do anything to ensure she never sheds a tear.

Thankfully my day turned better after speaking to my parents. I went to bed with a small smile gracing my lips


'I am hot and I know it.... zzz... rhhhhgggg.... ' 


Tap Tap

"Where the hell is my alarm, shut it" I know I set my alarm on a alarm clock instead of my phone, cause I will in my sleep just switch off my phone as to not bother me. So I keep my alarm as far as possible from me in my room so that even if I want to throw it out the window, I will have to get up.... Sort of a win-win situation. 

I sighed and got up into the bathroom to take a shower. And yes I do prefer morning showers to the late night ones. The help in the house made me some really delicious looking bacon and bread. I ate them to my heart's content and took my baby - my life- my car for a ride to school. 

I met Ryan and he was talking about the fight in the boys' locker room yesterday that broke out between the basketball team and the tennis team. Boy does he love to gossip. I zoned in and out of his rambling and mind you it was not as amusing as when Georgia rambles. She is so cute when she is rambled, she gets all flustered and what the hell am I thinking. I shook my head and went up to my next class. 

I was just thinking about the mission when I felt a light feather touch, I looked at Ryan only to see him making weird eye movements towards the front of the class, and then when I turned to the front I realized my teacher had actually thrown a piece of chalk at me. 

'What the hell' I mumbled. Curse that teacher, I'll give it to him, he has got good hearing. 

"What the hell is right Mr. Batmen, What the hell were you doing in my class that seemed more important than listening to me  speak?" he asked

" Nothing at all Sir, I was listening to you"

"Oh really, then please do enlighten the class with a quick recap of the class so far, let it be a type of revision if you must"

'Oh shit, I did not know where we were'

There was a thud and when I looked at the source it was Georgia, she gestured to me that we were on page 154. I then looked it up in my book, while Sir was busy helping Georgia pick up the fallen stationary back up to her bench. I quickly glanced through and when Sir stood upright I gave him a brief of what I assumed was discussed. He was angry and told me that I was right and for met to sit down and pay attention.

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