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I gave him the unimpressed look. He just chuckled and said " you don't need to cover up". I gave him a light shove on his shoulder.

Cameron being over dramatic held his shoulder that I had shoved and gave a look that screamed bloody murder and pain. " Your so violent woman. That really hurt ya know"

I just giggled at how cutely he said that and shook my head at his stupid yet cute antics.

Cameron POV

After talking about what we should do for about twenty minutes we started talking to each other about random stuff. I got to know that she loves ice cream, especially eating an ice cream cone in the pouring rain. That is so weird.

We just fooled about and I really had a good time and I did not even realize when the time was up. I almost missed my next hour. Normally I have a very good sense of time and direction.

I had AP Chem next. I know what you guys are thinking just because I'm popular and secretly an FBI agent I would not have any time to study but I am actually really smart and have a good memory. Therefore, if I listen in class I remember it pretty well so I am in many AP classes and some are even university special course. One of the extra classes is Psychology and therapy. I took this subject cause it would help me better in being an exceptional FBI agent.

As I went and sat at the back of the class, Georgia entered and she sat in the front row. I don't think she saw me and because of the mission I had, it was required of me to be close to her. That is all, I mean it is all because of the mission that there is this urge for me to be near her. It is not at all because I personally want to know her or I find her interesting.

So against my character and reputation I hold in school I went to the first row and sat next to her. The students already present in the class gaped at what I did and stared as if my body was possessed by an alien and that was why I came to the first row.

Even I would do that if I was in their place and a guy who had my reputation did the same thing I did that move. 

She glanced at my side and turned back to her desk and then after a few seconds she does this fast movement of her neck that cause her to get a whiplash. She stares at me with her mouth wide open. I chuckle at her and gently push her lower jaw up so that now her mouth is closed "do you want to catch flies and have them for lunch because you missed it." I said.

"No I mean what are you doing here" she asked.

"well i go to school here and also I have been enrolled in this class."

when she looked like she was going to argue I said" Why did you think that I was not intelligent and was failing all my classes, and I was just a dumb jock who can only use his body and no brain?" I asked faking that I have been offended.

"no no noooo.... I dint mean that to offend you" she said

"so you actually thought of me in that manner" I said

"no I mean yes... uhhh I just dint expect to see you here that is all... yeah" she sounded like she was trying to convince herself rather than me.

" oh so you think a guy can't be the good in both spots and studies. God I have to say you are very narrow minded." I said sternly.

I was immensely enjoying watching her squirm around in her seat uncomfortably and I did not want this to end. It was a quite funny watching her trying to please me and not offend me even more. She is doing a terrible job but it was very amusing. 

She was so red in the face and I could see a small droplet of water running down her hairline. God she was very much flustered. She then glanced at the top of my shoulder and gave a small groan and hid her face in her hands on the desk. I looked back and saw that the entire class was staring at us. I gave all of them a 'yes' kind look with my eyebrow raised and they all scrambled to do their own jobs that is minding their own business and trying very hard to appear as if they were not eavesdropping into our conversation and failing miserably.

I turned back to talk to Georgia when the bell rang and all of us scrambled to get out of class. Wow I did not even realise the teacher was absent and I spent the whole hour making Georgia embarrassed. It was worth the time.

A small fun fact about me is that I am the highest rank holder in school in studies. In simple terms I am a topper. That is both in studies and sports. Everyone knows that I can play any sport and I will ace it. No one knows about me being the topper in studies. They all think that I am good at studies that is all. I am the best at both worlds. Being an FBI agent and a normal school kid. Being good at both sports and studies. Take your pick.


Most of the book would consist of the point of view of Cameron. On rare occasions Georgia's point of view would be shown. This book is kind of a challenge to me as most of the books I have read are in the third person perspective or the girl's so I wanted to change that and see how the book fares so...... wish me luck.

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