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Cameron POV

I just wish that school doesn't start in the mornings in fact there should be no school at all.
Another annoying day of school.

I woke up at 7. I got ready and by 9, I was in my car more like my baby. Lamborghini Huracan which is absolutely gorgeous.

I drove to school. And was greeted by the typical acknowledgement that I get every time I enter the school gates. I am so used to it but I'll never get bored of it.

Me and my car are worth the sight. Theres a small bunch of people surrounding my car, waiting for me to open the door. I got out of the car in a slow show shut the door and walked in front. Totally a drool worthy entrance. A few steps later without looking back I locked my car. All the girls Swooned.

I went inside to my locker to collect my chewing gum. I mean I can't survive a day without chewing gum. I was walking when I saw the girl I was constantly actually thinking about last night. The girl who is a mystery that I have to solve. Georgia.

Fortunately for me Georgia's locker is the 3rd locker down from mine and so every time I am near my locker I have a clear view of her and sometimes if I pay enough attention, I can also pry into her conversation.

Georgia was talking with a nerd. I recognized that nerd from yesterday's lunch break. She was sitting with that nerd.

Georgia " what class do you have now Lia?"

Oh so that nerd's name is Lia!

Lia " arghhh.... History..... I swear by the time I come out of that bloody boring class, either I would have been on the verge of dying or already dead. It is so boring. I don't even know why I took this subject. I probably was drunk. No I am definite that I was drunk. I mean how else can I make such a bad decision. Plus the worst part is the Mr. Duncan, he is this big ogre. I mean all he does is talk in this monotone which puts everyone to sleep in the first five minutes of his class. That is if he decides to teach or else he sits in his seat and with that huge pot belly and snores away into oblivion. " she continued to ramble.

I get you Lia. I totally do I mean even I don't like that subject.

"Then why do you go to class. He won't even know who comes or goes right?" Geogia asked

"Well, he would have already assigned a lame assignment for all of us to whack our brains for. We kind of have to submit it by the end of the hour so he will know who can get attendance, and who came to class. It's weird but it apparently works for him" Lia said

"God I pity you so very much." Georgia said with a small chuckles escaping her mouth.

"Yeah...yeah...yeah.... keep laughing you evil person. Laugh at some poor soul's misery. You like seeing others suffer right. Sure you can laugh at my expense." Lia said with a pout and anyone could say that both were enjoying that conversation. "So what do you have now??" Lia asked

"Ummmm....... I actually have a pretty nice class...English" Georgia replied

"Curse you woman... curse you!" Lia exclaimed to which the only reply was Georgia's laughter.

It was nice watching Georgia smile and laugh like that. She is like this first ray of sunshine after many weary months of snow.... Gosh Cam! How can I think like that. She is not pretty. She is nothing but a job to me. I chided myself to focus and bring in new information to the FBI. Wait a second she said she had English now. This means I actually have a chance to speak with her..... I mean to get information about her brother.

The bell rang and all the students who were loitering in the corridors started to move to their respective classes.

I went inside the English class while greeting others on my way to my usual seat. Georgia then entered. Unconsciously I was looking at her her. I could feel myself in a kind of trance I could not let my eyes stray from her. She shyly makes her way towards me.There is an open seat next to me and she chose this. I mean there are three more open places and yet she chose to sit next to me.

I was just sneaking glances at her without her knowing. I was not paying attention to anything. Every thing was drowned in the background. I tried to pay attention to the class but she seemed to have my attention directed on her solely, that is without her even trying.

Suddenly she turned in her seat towards me and smiled.

Shit was I just caught!!??


sooooooo......... yeah!!!!

you guys know the drill.

So very sorry for the late update.... It has been real hectic and a lot problematic personal life... So ....

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