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Its been nearly three months since Georgia came to our school and nearly two months since she started seeing me as a friend. She is still shy around me, but I am able to get more information about her personal life slowly. It seems like there is something that bothers her, but when I asked her about it, she brushed it away. I can see through her donning her mask. She seems sad and anxious. She has now become more reserved and trying her best to not spend time with me or even Lia. I don't know what is wrong or what is bothering her, but I will now have to put more focus on her.

P.S. Still no mention of Hunter and his whereabouts. I am trying my best. Get of my back for Pete's sake.

I sent the email to them. God they have been continuously messaging and calling me for more details. Don't they understand the meaning of reports. I will report everything I know in them. There is no need to specifically call me for more information. I HAVE NO MORE INFORMATION. 

I have a lot on my plate these days. My parents calls were getting shorter and rarer. They did tell me that they have been assigned a new mission and that it may have a good lead on Hunter. 

I was rearranging my room while thinking about my parents's last call. It sounded so off and like they were in a hurry.

I got a call asking me to come to the headquarters and I went in a haze. I drove all the way and what I got was totally unexpected.

The supervisor in FBI told me that " Your parents are c=trying to uncover on of what we believe is Hunter's tracks, but we don't have much hope. We know how smart Hunter is when it comes to keeping himself a secret and safe."

"Yeah I know, but what does that have to do with me. I am already trying my best to get more information from Georgia and it hasn't been successful so far I know, but trust me I am really making a lot of effort. She seems determined to not say anything about her family"

"I know I know. Now you are going to have to put Georgia on hold and carry out another mission. We found another trail about Hunter and we have a very good hunch that this might actually bring in god information. All of our best men and women are put on different missions and you are very good at finding and connecting and decoding clues. So the FBI wants to put you on this mission. We expect danger would not be much, but be careful. These are the details of the mission and remember it is important for you o finish this mission within the span of 6 days max. Not more than that. If you are unable to do so, return immediately no matter what alright!"

"Yeah OK, when do I go and who is on the team"

"In two days, we will call your school and let them know that you are sick as you have caught the flu and no one is to collect your homework to deliver it to you"

" Makes better sense. Alright"

"Alright this is the file. Go through it and Good Luck"

I opened the file to see that I will be travelling to Orlando, Florida. And I will not be allowed to visit the Disney World. Man what a bummer...... I mean, ummm who cares. Disney world is for kids anyway.

I am assigned to a team of five other people. Thank god, all are below the age of twenty five. Otherwise any older agent would be like 'I am older and more experienced so do as I say'

Our tickets were already booked and the details just stated that there was a warehouse in an area that contains a few ammunition and drugs and one of the men drunkenly made proclaims that he was working in that warehouse for Hunter. Wow, the wonders alcohol does.

(A/N: Alcohol is bad)

All we have to do is go there check if the information is true and find more clues that will help us in identifying the Don and seize all the ammunition and drugs. Well sounds easy... not

I immediately called my house and a maid picked up. I asked her to pack a bag for me sufficient for five days. I then went into the weapon room and picked a few handguns, bullets, machete, pocket knifes and few more ammunition for me. 

I really wanted to text Georgia, but I knew it would not do me any good. So I texted Ryan.

'I am sick, wont make it to class. Don't bother with my homework.' I clicked send

Then another message

541: Keep an eye on Georgia and report any new or suspicious movements

P.S delete after reading

I sent him our code 541 stating that I am on a mission for the FBI.

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