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"You see this wire, I think it is sort of a way for us to be transferred into another part of the factory where we might actually find something. It seems odd that the wire is the only thing of this generation and looks like it is been used fairly well, It even has the slight warmth in it compared to this damp, cold building. I wanted to check if this place has electricity and if the wire is linked to a electrical power source" I explained.

He then looked at the wire for a few seconds and then shook my shoulders while giving a grin. "Dude, we might have just found an electrical source"


Charlie turns back to the wire and removes his portable electrical detector from the vest and keeps it near the wire. We waited for nearly five minutes but the detector showed no readings. This means we were wrong. We hit the dead end again. Abigail came closer to us to see what we were so sad about.

"Careful Abigail, this place is slippery" I said and walked away. I was really frustrated. I turned just in time to see Abigail trip and fall and catch the wire to stabilize herself.

"Abigail!!!" I whisper shouted.

As soon as whisper yelled her name, the wire moved and from the small crack there came a small keypad. 

"OH MY GOD Abigail, bless your clumsiness" I said

She just looked at me and sneered. I chuckled and I asked Abigail to hack into the keypad to get the code. It took her about half an hour with a side of a lot of grumbling and swearing on the number of firewalls and gateways and tricky codes to crack the code. She punched in the code.

Suddenly the wall opposite us opened up a small door. We slowly went towards it and when we inspected it, we found out that it was an elevator with only one button. 'Well this makes our job easier' I thought sarcastically. We pressed the button and we were transported to the second level. The elevator doors opened and we went in to the building. We were on alert mode, hands on guns ready to shoot. We then saw a huge wall with another small door. 'WHAT IS UP WITH THESE HUGE WALLS AND SMALL DOORS'

We opened the door only a bit and peeped in. When I gave the sign 'all clear' I entered first and then Abigail and Charlie. We pressed ourselves to the walls and walked towards a room. I opened it and to see a man napping away and instead of the security footage being played on the screen, there was a movie playing. Abigail then went towards the computers and inserted her pen drive and started working on switching off the cameras and deleting the footage of us. 

"Man this place has shitty security" I whispered eyeing the sleeping man with a protruding belly almost about to fall off the smaller than his frame chair. Charlie just chuckled and got to work on binding the man to the chair and injecting with a serum that makes him lose memory and inability to recollect. He will be dazed and will not be able to see properly for the next five hours. Blurry vision.

We went further towards a sort of plastic sheet, and this was it. We came across multiple weapon parts, there were some packets with white powder and I am sure it is drugs. There were also some vests and some gadgets, tablets, mobiles and so on. There was only one man supervising and when he heard us come in he said

"Hey Larry, did you get me my big mac that I ordered, I am starving man" He looked up and when he saw that it was not Larry who came in he grabbed a gun and aimed it at Abigail, shooting her. It grazed her torso, but she was fine. Charlie was going towards the right and I knew he was going to block the back exit but I have got to keep this guy's focus on me. So I started talking and threatening him. We both were shouting curses and I was yelling at him "FBI, freeze" "Hand over your weapon" "Stop playing games. You are surrounded. It's a dead end. You are done for". While he was shouting "You kids shouldn't be here" "FBI my ass, you guys are kids" "What are those, toy guns" "Boy I have a real gun, run away to your mama and forgot this ever happened". I had enough of this and so I shot him in the femur. He yelled with pain and instantly fell down to his knees. He was so focused on me and trying to escape he did not notice Charlie grab him by the neck from behind.

We duct tapped him, while Abigail was keeping an eye on the security guy. We dragged the guy down the elevator and dumped him in the van we hired. He was still trying to get free and and he suddenly reached for the fallen gun and was about to shoot me when Draco shot him in the heart from behind.

I asked Abigail, Wade and Abiram to go in the van and transport him somewhere else for the time being. I went with Charlie to get photos of the scene with all that ammunition an drugs. I got a voice message telling me  that Abiram had intercepted the delivery guy and they were happily munching on the stolen food after convincing the delivery guy with the dead guy's phone that the order was for them and were too hungry to wait and so came in search of the assumed lost delivery guy. Lucky bastards. We were there nearly for three hours trying to gather all the evidence and we then dragged the still dazed security guard. We have no ride and we have to wait for another two hours min for the car to return and so Charlie and I dragged the security guard into the dead bushes behind the factory as we did not want to be spotted. 

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