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It was a pleasant supper and it was quite enjoyable. He was so easy going and nice. I could tell he deeply cares for Georgia. He told me more about himself and he said that he was settled in London and he is the CEO of a small scaled crafts factory. He loves his job and so it is harder for him to monitor and visit Georgia very frequently.

After the supper we spoke for some more time and then I said my good byes and left. I sat in my car and drove off about two blocks away from her house when I got out my burner phone and texted the technical department all the details I learned about Sven to check if these were true and to get more Intel on Hunter.


All the details Sven told me about himself are absolutely true and I even got to know the name of the company it was S Enterprises. The only detail he said that they were just a small company was untrue. It was a fairly medium sized company. No doubt he had the legal guardianship of Georgia. He was well off and could afford to take care of Georgia.

Unfortunately there were absolutely no strings that could lead us to Hunter. There was nothing off about him. He was normal. If he was too clean the FBI would have doubts, but this guy had a few mishaps with administration and a little bit of non taxed money which is a general characteristic to all business owners

(A/N: little bit of non taxed money which is a general characteristic to all business owners, This is a piece of Fiction so the world my characters are is like this. This poses no resemblance to any one or any country or any business. I repeat this is fiction)

All the methods to trace this Hunter and put a face to the so famous name led us only astray. I reached home and after an hour I got a call from Georgia

"Hello" I answered

" Hey, so Sven thinks you are cool and he approves of our friendship" She said

"Oh really, well no one can really escape my charms. After all I am so charismatic and awesome" To which she laughed a glorious laugh.

"Well that is true" she mumbled

"What... what did you say"

"Nothing, Did you reach home safe and sound"

"Yes I did"

"Well check the bag I gave you before you left, It contains a few food items that I prepared. Put them in the fridge and finish them off in the next three days. Heat them in the microwave before you have them. It should suffice"

"Thank you so much and by the way did Sven prepare the supper it was fabulous"

"ha haha.. He can not even boil water properly, he tried to make food that is edible but it ended up in the dustbin and i'm sure even the rats would not want to have a bite. I expected that his food won't be good and so I had prepared our supper before hand itself. I like to cook." she said

"Well you will make an amazing cook that is for sure. So do you want to become a chef"

"No not really, cooking is my hobby that is all. I want to save lives. I want to become a doctor or a nurse."  The irony, her brother only kills people and she wants to save those people.

"Oh... that is nice"

"What do you want to do" she asked

"Well I am not sure but being my parents only child I will have to take over their businesses. I don't have much of a choice"

"But do you want to do it. Are you interested"

"Well I don't have a choice. But I don't think I will detest what I have to do. I am okay at doing it. I guess my only hesitation is that I don't want to be compared to my parents"

"Don't worry you will do great no matter what" she said. I wanted to change the topic. I was feeling incredibly guilty. 

"Let's change the topic please" I asked her

"Alright what do you want to speak about?"

"I don't know but how about my incredible and charismatic self"

"Hardy har har. What is even there to talk about"

"You wound me woman" I said to which she let out a laugh without care.

We spoke for nearly three hours of absolute bullshit and then said our good byes and went to sleep.


I know short chapter. hehehehe sorry

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