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"If any of you come near, I will kill and I am taking all of you down with me. Yes , Josh is the real culprit who pushed all his wrongdoings onto other criminals. I must say Mr and Mrs Heart you guys are really the top agents in FBI, but Josh is smarter he anticipated this and now Josh wants all of you dead." He said

"Do not do this" someone said. It was so hazy right now. I am not able to tell who from who and what from what

"I have to for my family. Only Josh can save them. I am really sorry" the new guy cried.



Hunter's men made a grab for their weapons, no one expected for any to open fire. I mean all of us were just trying to soak in the new information that is discovered. The new guy was hysterical threatening everyone that he will shoot, but he lost the point that there are only five bullets left in his gun if not lesser. He fired four more bullets and two people got shot. He knew he lost, but that did not stop him at all. He started pulling the trigger but there was only clicking sound. 

He threw the gun away and said "No one come close, you see this button on my suit, if I press it the van outside will explode. Trust me it will burn everything down and don't take this for granted as I managed to get the van right in front of this building. Everything in a 8 mile radius will be affected. I am sorry, I have no choice"

"Please stop, let's talk. What does Josh have over you" I asked being really careful and trying to distract him so he does not press the button. 

"My sister is in the hospital, I need money for her treatment and also Josh imprisoned my brother on false claims. Josh promised to free him if I do this" the new guy said

"But what guarantee do you have, you are going to die with us if you press the button and how will you know that Josh will keep his word. I mean we all just got to know how much of an asshole he is and you still believe him." I asked

"He promised and my parents know. So he will have to keep his end of the bargain" The new guy said with utmost confidence.

"Look even if Josh does not keep his end of the bargain, do you think it would be an easy task to go to him and ask him to do all that he has promised. Also what proof do you have that he said this. He will obviously plead innocent and say he never made such promises. There are so many loopholes and yet you agreed to do this for him. I don't know if I should pity you or to applaud Josh. One thing is for sure he is really good at making plans"

This put the new guy into thinking and I gave my dad a signal to nab the new guy. My dad understood and from behind grabbed the new guy's hands. He also removed the suit and asked someone to help diffuse the bomb. I could also see that the two guys injured from the bullets were taken inside probably to receive some medical attention. 

After twenty minutes Hunter's tech guy said that the connection to the bomb and the van was cut. Josh knew of our plan and also he was aware of where we are as he arranged for the finances and so he was aware of this building as well. He only knows the place and he does not know about Sven. That information was only with the group an even the new guy said he cut information before the trip so any of us by mistake don't come across something that will put him in risk. Thank god for that it worked in our favour.  To get him of our back, we needed to do as Josh's plan. He needs to believe that we are dead. I said the same to everyone in the room and instantly got nods of agreement. 

We made a plan to relocate elsewhere and bomb the empty building so as to look like Josh's plan worked. He would then go on to the media to tell them that Hunter was dead and along with Hunter even the agents were dead. Thanks to the policy of the FBI, no personal details would be released. Hunter's tech guy made sure the bomb would detonate exactly in half an hour, giving us enough time. The new guy was too much of a threat so we knocked him out. 

Hunter went to grab some important things and we were on our way to one of Hunter's other hideouts. In the car Hunter tried very hard to talk to Georgia who just kept a stoic face and refused to even look at him and she did not even want to sit next to him. I really wanted to laugh at how Hunter was trying to get some sort of reaction from Georgia. It was really funny almost looked as if it was a small puppy trying to gain attention after making a bad mess. I knew the severity of Hunter's lies to Georgia and I can guess how it must have felt. That was the only thing that helped me in not laughing. I knew she was hurt and feeling alone. I placed one of my hand on her hand and instantly she placed her other palm over mine. I smiled at this which fetched a scowl from Hunter. Along the way my parents showed me the proof about all the unlawful things that Josh does.


The story is coming to the end. Probably another three to four chapters. So please 

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