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I texted Georgia the address and she said she will catch a bus and come to which I said that I would come along as I did not bring my car along today. She said ok and she would wait near the front doors as soon as school is done.

I texted Ryan that I would not be coming with him and I would be in the temporary house if he ever needs to find me. He texted with a thumbs up emoji and said have fun with a wink. Stupid annoying best friend.

Cameron POV

I started cleaning my house. I almost took my cleaning in a storm. We don't get maids to the temporary house. Only sometimes we hire help. They are not here always.

It was already 5 in the afternoon. Georgia should be here soon. I wanted to seem nonchalant and so I took some soda from the fridge and put it on the coffee table and I switched on the TV and put ESPN. After two agonising minutes I heard the doorbell. I went to open the door and I let her in. she came in and stood in the foyer. She seemed so hesitant.

I placed my palm on her shoulder to shake her out of her reverie. She was startled and looked at me. I gave her a questioning look. She asked " where are your parents or anyone" I just gave a small chuckle. So she was scared that no one else is home.

"No one is here except you and me" I said


Well this is not my house I thought to myself.

"that is because my mom and dad are both business people and they are out of town on business. I don't have any siblings and so it is only me in this house. Why are you scared" I asked teasingly

" no why would I be..." she said even if she did want to sound brave and unbothered there was a slight tremor in her voice

" well then come on in why are you standing here."

She took small steps and was walking so very slowly " do you want to slow walk or something or do you want to extend the assignment so that we can spend more time?" I asked

She just looked at me with her mouth slightly opened and a huh look

" cause you are taking painfully slow steps. If this is all to increase the time you want to spend in my presence then all you had to do was say it out loud so I would understand. Babe its alright... you don't need to be ashamed"

Then she stared at me and burst out laughing. The whole clutching yourself and tears leaking out of my face laughing. I liked seeing her so happy. There was a small smile on my face. I mean I am a little hurt that she is laughing at something she found funny in my speech, but I don't know what she did find so amusing. I want to know.

She stopped laughing after a few minutes and looked at me " you know Lea, my friend she kept warning me to stay I quote 'the hell away' from you because you are dangerous and any sort of association is just an open battle call for danger.

"Well that is somewhat true, but I don't go around preying on just anyone especially if they are innocent. As long as they stick to their business and don't cause any trouble to themselves or others doesn't matter if the other person is favoured or not by me, I am good with it. I just don't like seeing the innocents get in the way and get hurt" I said

She stared at me like I am some alien " so even if the one that is getting hurt is your enemy you will help them cause they are innocent?" she asked

" ahhh no.... none of my enemies are innocent or good. I don't have innocents as enemies or foes. I don't differentiate on the basis of my personal bias is all. Even if I have never interacted with that person or I am not overly fond of that person I will help them as long as they are not in the wrong." I said

She just stared at me like I was the greatest person walking on the face of this planet. I gotta admit I was very satisfied with her response and I felt really proud of myself. 

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