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I had to catch the greatest mastermind the Hunter Don, the very invincible mafia king. Even the best agents are after him and failed multiple times to even get as much as a small clue about him. He created havoc in this very city a few years ago. Then all of a sudden he magically disappeared from the face of the earth. Not that he ever came out in public before, but he would surely make his presence known. 

Many agents thought that he went into hiding due to fear for his life. Some say he died and his minions ... I mean his followers disintegrated. Some say there was an internal war that broke out in between them and to avoid his identity getting into the public he left the mafia. Some even said the most cliche plot of a romance book, that is he fell in love with a innocent small town girl and she changed him for the better.

But I personally along with a few top agents believe that he is up to something. He has something really huge up his sleeve. The top agents who believe the same thing as I do actually went in search off him, but somehow Hunter Don was always a step ahead of us and always mislead those agents. He was so cleaver that he would let the agents think that they are on the right track and were centimeters away from catching him, but when they look up it was a dead end.

He was one hell of a strategist. God surely has gifted him with one of the finest and best brain in this entire universe.

Back to the report the only addition to the information was that he had a kid sister. Well there is some improvement. Her name is Georgia. Nice name. Oh and plus she is transferring to my school as a junior. 

'Well if we know who the sister is then we will surely be able to get at least a photo of who this Hunter Don is.' I thought to myself.

I went to the information center and asked them the same question and they told me that

"She does not trust anyone easily to show her family pics. She wants to lead a life without any disturbance so she changed her name identity and she is incognito. We don't have a picture of her yet, but you will know as she would be a new student. She does not like giving true details of her family apparently. So you must basically earn her trust and then lure her to give correct information of her brother. I suspect that she does not know anything about her brother being apart of the mafia." He said

" You mean she does not know her brother is ruling the mafia world" I said stressing on ruling.

He just chuckled and shook his head. " Whatever kid" he finally responded.

Great just great. This is exactly what I wanted...not 

Guess there is nothing more I can do , but wait for school tomorrow. 

Well wish me luck.

Next day at School

I was anxiously waiting for this new girl. I should be on full alert mode of and on my surroundings and searching for her but at the same time I must look cool and normal. That is harder than you think.

Apparently everyone at school knows about this new girl and there were rumors that she is smoking hot. How can they say that without even looking at her. People now a days are so desperate for a new face that they start making stuff about her already. I am a person who is impressed rarely and with great difficulity. Sure I had fun with a lot of girls. That was just me releasing my stress. I am no saint. But just because I have fun that does not mean that every girl is hot. They all are just well how do I put this politely look-able but my friends think that they are hot. As I have mentioned before I am very hard to impress.

Then all of a sudden a girl came out of the office stumbling with her schedule and few other papers. She dropped them and groaned. She then picked all the papers and looked straight at me. My breath hitched in my throat. She was stunning. She did not seam like she knew that she was breathtaking. 

She has this easily approachable aura. Not the aura that says I am an easy lay, but that screamed I can be your best friend and I will listen to all your problems and will try to give you advise. She looked happy go lucky. She had this air that gave you the vibe that made anyone not want to taint her. She was a beautiful delicate flower. This is what I thought at the first time I saw her.


Ok if you guys think I am going super fast. Forgive me but I am not gonna change it. It is a short story . 

If you think the feelings and assumptions are going the wrong way or too fast or anything else, this is my story.

If you have suggestions and constructive criticism to offer me and/or you want to point out my mistakes, feel free to message me but just be polite. It is quite degrading when you get hate messages

Also thankfully I have got the best audience and so far dint receive any rude messages....

Thank you

Take care. Comment, Vote, Enjoy (P.S. let others know about my story. Basically share)


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