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Emma Roberts as Georgia

My entire family that consists of just my mom, and me are part of the secret service of FBI. My parents are required to travel around the globe most of the times, therefore to keep the suspicions out of my neighbors we tell them that my dad is a business man and my mom is the owner of a factory. It is kinda true though. They have these professions as a side business. My parents are never home for more than two days. They always get a call about their next mission or some meeting.

Sometimes I really miss them and hate the job they are doing. But I also understand the joy and pride they have about their job and I am no one to snatch that happiness away from them. I am also part of FBI. I am not given complicated missions,but nevertheless I am given missions. It is actually fun.

My mom and dad eloped and got married. So on both my dad's and mom's side even if I have relatives who are very much alive, they are dead to us and we to them. It actually became an advantage for us cause no one can threaten us using family.

My only family is my mom , dad and the FBI, and my horrible but really nice friends I will never tell them the latter part that they are actually very good. I just tell them that they annoy the soul out of me, buy I honestly love them and would do anything for them. My friends do not know that I am part of the FBI, that would put them in danger. I have to keep some friends to make me look like a normal teenager who isn't up to anything secretive. I have parties too and when I have a party I shove the most important stuff in to the top floor and shut it securely. Therefore there is no problem.

I am the only child so I was and I am still spoiled rotten.

My mom thought it would be enough to put one child in danger, cause you know that their jobs can be dangerous and all. I set the game and my rule goes around the house and school. You see I am extremely popular. Just because what I say goes it does not mean I use it.........okay... okay...maybe sometimes I use that power... urghh...fine most of the times I use it to get what I mean, but I know where to draw the line and I am sensible. So it is cool.

This morning I got a call on the satellite phone that means that it is a call from the FBI. They called to tell me that they needed me for an assignment. cool. They already had a taxi waiting for me on my front lawn.

I got dressed and I was out the door after informing the cook of my house. I sat in the taxi and the driver took me directly to the headquarters.

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