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She is the only one who actually can call her brother and talk to him. The problem is she will be hesitant to call her brother if I make some shit up and bluff. Oh god the only way to get her to do my bidding is to tell her the truth and make sure we present her with all the proof and evidence. Especially telling her that I am a FBI agent and I approached her with a hidden intent.

I am so NOT looking forward to the confrontation. I slammed my have on the glass table, letting some of the blood flow before dragging myself to the bathroom to bandage the wound.


I grudgingly dragged myself up and went toward my car. I leaned my head on my door and dialed her number. It was already five in the afternoon so I know she would be home. The call kept ringing and after five whole rings she picked up the call. 

"Hello" I said hesitantly

"Hello! Cameron where have you been, I have given you a million calls and you have not responded to my texts or to my calls. Are you okay. I tried coming to your house, but seems like you haven't been there, I waited for you but you did not come there. Where are you right now. Oh my god, please tell me you are not in a hospital. You are safe and ..." She continued. I smiled at her concern

"Georgia. Dee breath please. Look are you free right now and are you in your house. I will come over and explain everything in detail to you. Alright." I said monotonously. I knew generally I would crack some lame joke or tease her, but I was in a hurry and I am anxious. I guess even she noticed the lack of normality in my tone and the sudden seriousness and therefore she sighed and told me she was indeed at home just like I expected. I told her I was coming over and hung up the call.

Before I even realized it, I had already drove into her driveway and there was this uneasy feeling in me. It was dread and I knew this conversation is going to turn into things I want to hide forever. I sat in my car for few more seconds trying my best to postpone a situation I desperately wanted to avoid. 

Before I could knock, Georgia invited me in as if she was waiting at the door for me to pull into her driveway.

I sat down on her sofa and faced her

"Do you want some water, you look tired" She said

"No, look Georgia I have something really important to discuss with you so please co operate and tell me everything you know. It is a matter of grave urgency." I said

"What are you talking about Cameron. What do you want to know"

"Look questions aside just do as I tell you" I said a little harshly

"Cameron, go home. Let's talk another day. Have you been drinking, you are kind of scaring me"

"Georgia, tell me about your family" She started to protest but i lifted my hand up and signaled to her to just give me the information.

"My parents died when I was very young, so I don't remember them. I grew up under the care of my brother. We did not want to get separated so we evaded the child services and foster homes. He then legally obtained my guardianship when he turned eighteen."

"Alright then, what does your brother do?"

"He is a businessman. He owns a small company. I have never asked him what the company is but I think it is a small publishing company. Why are you even asking these questions Cameron. Is it because you fear for my safety as I live alone. You don't need to worry my brother takes good care of me" she said while coming to sit next to me on the sofa instead of in front of me.

I stood up when she sat down " So is that what Hunter tells you is his business" I said sarcastically. I knew Georgia was innocent but this was so not the time.

"Yes.... wait what .. how do you know my brother's name. I never mentioned his name at all."

"I know about your brother more than you think. Your brother is not the businessman that you think of him as. He is a notorious criminal. He is into import and export of drugs all around the world. In simple words, he is a drug lord. He owns and runs the mafia. He is dangerous. Naive of him to think to keep his beloved sister safe was to make sure she new nothing... or wait a minute was all you did an act and you knew everything and worse you were part of all his dirty business" 

She looked at me dumbfounded and tears brimming in her eyes. I knew about her innocence, but it was better to bait her. I was feeling guilty but what other choice do I have

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