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Hunter went to grab some important things and we were on our way to one of Hunter's other hideouts. In the car Hunter tried very hard to talk to Georgia who just kept a stoic face and refused to even look at him and she did not even want to sit next to him. I really wanted to laugh at how Hunter was trying to get some sort of reaction from Georgia. It was really funny almost looked as if it was a small puppy trying to gain attention after making a bad mess. I knew the severity of Hunter's lies to Georgia and I can guess how it must have felt. That was the only thing that helped me in not laughing. I knew she was hurt and feeling alone. I placed one of my hand on her hand and instantly she placed her other palm over mine. I smiled at this which fetched a scowl from Hunter. Along the way my parents showed me the proof about all the unlawful things that Josh does.


It has been nearly three days since the incident and the mansion was belong repair. The firefighters arrived along with a few FBI people. They all concluded that there were people present in the building when the bomb went off and because the bomb was so close to the building, they could not retrieve the corpses. Everything turned into ash. Hunter made his tech guy edit the CCTV footage to look like there was a shootout when suddenly the cameras went off due to the bomb. 

We were watching Josh's live interview and he said the the exact thing that I predicted. He said that along with Hunter the agents as well died and he is so incredibly proud of those agents and he will never forget them and other bullshit with crocodile tears. That is when I signaled to Hunter's tech guy who I found out is named Richard. Richard winked at me and sent a mass text to all media outlets and also posted on the internet about Josh and his hand with all the illegal things with truckloads of proof in written, video, audio format. All evidence were posted online. I watched as suddenly the live interview stopped Josh's monologue and displayed all the evidence. Oh the look on Josh's face was epic. It looked like he lost it. There was complete uproar when he tried to leave the studio. Ah bliss.

Hunter came to me and patted my back and whispered well down. He tried to go sit down next to Georgia, this resulted in her getting up and sitting in between my parents. We were all silently snickering with Hunter I mean Sven silently seething. We focused back on TV and all the people on the internet now wanted justice, they were willing to file a case in the court. One thing is for sure Josh will spend the rest of his life in jail. I turned back to look at the guy cuffed and tied up with quite an amount of sedatives. The one was dumb enough to actually believe Josh. I really do pity him. 

Three days ago, Hunter was confirmed to be dead to the world so the entire mafia and drugs thing was dead. Hunter did promise that he will for the sake of Georgia will no longer operate as the mafia, but he will take up the role of a small businessman Sven. This did fetch Hunter a nod of approval from Georgia and it lit up his entire face. I can tell that Hunter I mean Sven does care deeply for Georgia. Of course he was the one to take care of her since their parents died when they were just kids. They only had each other. When Georgia was out of earshot. He looked at my parents and said "I really can't give up this business, if I do then markets will be filled with drugs. There will be no control whatsoever." My parents nodded and said " We will figure something out. Don't worry for now, the only thing you should focus on right now is to get Georgia to talk to you again." Mom said. Hunter groaned, Damn the girl can keep grudges.

Over the course of the next seven days, Hunter along with my help made these tiny cute little notes and baskets filled with her favorite chocolates and flowers and more to try and get his sister to talk to him again. It was really comical watching a grown man begging for forgiveness from a girl not even half his size. He even tried cooking her favorite meals but was a total disaster with the fire alarm ringing thrice, the bread burnt to dust with too much salt and he curry being so dry that it stuck to the plate and now all the pans and utensils are all unusable. This did bring a small giggle from Georgia to which Sven cheered so loud that Georgia went back to her room, fortunately she did not eat anything, she would get food poisoning from all of this. 

One thing is for sure, I am happy and also much to Sven's utter dismay, Georgia and I are now an official couple. Ryan and Lia as well were hitting it off. Who would have guessed that Lia was actually working for Hunter and was asked to befriend Georgia to protect her and give Hunter updates on Georgia. This was the reason why Hunter I mean Sven even came to meet me. 

Georgia did tell me that she already forgave Sven on the fourth day of his 'Beg for forgiveness from Georgia' day but she wanted him to still do these sweet things and so is going to act as if she is mad at him. I mean I could not say no to her after all, all of Hunter's acts were pretty hilarious and borderline dangerous


Next would be the epilogue!!!!!! We are done with this story. Thank you so much guys for one last time (Hahahahahaha)

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