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My parents have a very loving and jovial life. Anyone can see that both are in deep love. It irritates me sometimes but always that happy smiling irritation. I want a relationship only if it is like this. I know being a boy am supposed be away from these things but I want a relationship but just not any random no meaning relationship. I want it to have meaning in my life.

After talking to both my parents I cut the call. I instantly felt better after speaking to them. I then proceeded to do my homework.

It's a new day and I was getting ready for school, when suddenly I heard a horn honking outside my gate. I went down to see who it was and it was Ryan my best friend sorry the annoying best friend. I gave him the what-the-hell look. He just smiled and asked me to just hop on. I got into his car and kept staring at him. He then took a deep breath shook his head with a smirk and started talking about his new flavor of the month.

I meant to pay attention to him but I just couldn't. I started thinking about Georgia. I was feeling a little bit doubtful about this mission. Even though I was a FBI agent and I was accustomed to all the torture given to the accused, I didn't really want to hurt any innocent person in general especially I really didn't want to hurt Georgia in particular if she was an innocent.

I was lost in my world and I didn't even realize when we reached school. As I went to my first class, I saw Georgia sitting next to the window.

She really looked so radiant almost as if the sunlight next to her was creating some kind of an halo around her. She looked up and gave a small wave to me to which I just gave a nod and went to her seat. There was a kid sitting next to her already. So I put my bag on that class mate's desk and raised my brow to him. As I expected he scurried away to find another table to sit at. Georgia looked at me with a what-just happened look. I just chuckled and made some light conversation with her first. 

"So Georgia tell me about yourself something many don't know about" I asked cautiously giving her a subtle prompt to talk about her brother.

"ummm..... I am an open book so I don't really have any secrets or something that only some know about" she said

"Oh come on no one is like that, everyone says that they are an open book but it is not true"

"No I am serious I don't have anything to ......H..Hi...Hide" she said laughing. I could tell she was uncomfortable with where this conversation is going. She seemed nervous and her laughter though melodious was shaking. 'what melodious... Cameron get your head straight.' I thought to myself. 

I also understood that she was not going to let out any information anymore and she clearly had her walls up again. I opened my mouth to change the topic when the bell rang and the teacher walked in and continued about why we need to know and embrace our ancestors and their stories. 

I have got to get Gerogia to loosen up and make her trust me blindly so that she can give me the information I want. 

Georgia would be coming over to my temporary house today to talk about that assignment we were given to complete. The temporary house is the place I use to call my friends over to party or to have fun. It is significantly smaller than my house but it is better because my house has a lot of security and I din't want anyone accidentally breaking my mom's precious home appliances. She would kill me. Also it would not arise suspicions with all those butlers and gunmen around if any of my friends accidentally saw some. 

I texted Georgia the address and she said she will catch a bus and come to which I said that I would come along as I did not bring my car along today. She said ok and she would wait near the front doors as soon as school is done.

I texted Ryan that I would not be coming with him and I would be in the temporary house if he ever needs to find me. He texted with a thumbs up emoji and said have fun with a wink. Stupid annoying best friend. 


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Let me know if there are any grammatical changes to be made. I publish it as soon as I write so there may be a few errors so let me know polietly.

thank  you guys


I know that I have not been posting the updates and  I truly apologize for that... I was going through a rough patch... still am... but I am more motivated to update. I will try to update at least one chapter every day. 

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