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Cameron POV

"Hi" she said and looked at me expectantly

"Hi" I said in a doubtful tone. All kinds of thoughts were running through my head. Did she know about me and my mission? Did she ask her brother to do a background check on me? Is she playing with me... wait what? no I mean more in the sense of like how her brother always evades the authorities and always gives the authorities the feeling of catching him but always the only thing they catch is air. What was her plan

She must have found it weird that i was staring at her blankly. She raised her eyebrows and said "soooo do you want to discus about the assignment"

Huh what? Georgia laughed and said " so you were not paying attention to the class, were you?" I slowly shook my head.

"Ok so the thing is all of us are grouped into pairs and we will have to do an assignment. Mrs. Duncan will tell us the topic for the assignment later on and as the assignment will take a lot of time and effort in working with each other we must get to know our partners now so that if we face any problem we can go sort it within ourselves or with the teacher" Georgia said.

"So do you want to start or will I have to go first?"

"you go first" I said

"ok lets see....... hello! My name is Georgia. I like the subject English. I like baby blue colour. I have transferred to this school very recently. I like reading books. I don't like watching horror movies or anything scary for that matter. I hate hospitals and I cant stand the sight of blood pooling. hmm............. I guess that is all for now."

"Alright.... Hi, My name is Batman... Cameron Batman" Georgia let out a small laugh. I smiled unknowingly. " I like I do not know which subject. I guess you could say I am ok with all subjects. I like the colour black. I am not new to this school. I don't pick up a book to simply on my own regard to read. I read only if it is absolutely necessary. I have not yet discovered which place frightens me yet. I am not sure what scares me also......" I said

She just laughed lightly and turned in her seat to be more comfortable this bought a small smile onto my lips. I told myself that I am smiling because I have just achieved step 1: befriend Georgia. This was true but I dint feel like it was the actual reason. I felt like I was trying to give an excuse to convince myself of my actions. It dint feel right.

What is wrong with me.

I dint no I couldn't concentrate on anything. The entire school day went by in a blur. I dint even realize when school was over. I drove without registering about my surroundings.

Now I was lying on my bed just rethinking that one English class that I remember. It was strange. I never lose focus. This is so unlike me. Why is my focus wavering. What has happened to me. I don't understand this feeling. I feel calm every time I see Georgia. Is it because I'm attracted to her. I mean yeah she is hot but she is not my type. She is too innocent or maybe she is just that good at acting. I don't know. She has this aura which tells others to not play with her. This aura she radiates off of her which tells us that she is like a little sister they want to protect from all the evil so the world and take care of her as she is the most fragile thing to grace this planet


This is the unedited version... actually all of the chapters are so .... Please point out mistakes nicely and when I edit them I will take your suggestions into consideration.

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