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Cameron Pov

"Shopping- shopping shopping for snacks. I'm at Walmart. I was craving a few snacks" I said hurriedly. Oh damn it. I threw the sheets of my body and I stumbled about to get ready

"God this Walmart is really bad. Too much people. Give me ten minutes. I will be there as soon as possible" I said

"Don't drive too fast. It's okay I will wait..... That is if you want" she said timidly

"Of course please do wait. I'll be there soon" Already sitting down in the driver's seat in my car just about to speed off into the road.


I reached just under 8 minutes and ran down to the door. As I came running to a stop, Georgia jerked back.

"Hey careful, are you supposed to move about so much" she asked

I smiled "Yeah, I mean I went to the doc, and the doc said that all I require is rest for a few more days. No big deal."

"But, what is the problem, why are you sick, can you move about like this, do you want me to call your parents..."

"Whoa Whoa Slow down sweetheart!" she had this adorable blush 'Ignore her cuteness Zack' I continued "Breathe, too many questions. Aren't you supposed to not stress out the sick generally"

"I was just worried" she mumbled barely audible

"Well what did you say"

"I said that there is a lot of school work you need to catch up on"

"Rrrriiiiiiigggghhhhhttttt" I drawled

"I'm serious"

I opened the door and let her in

"Well where are the snacks" she asked

'damn it'

"Well when you called I was still browsing and I did not want to you to keep standing outside my door for longer so I just left them and drove back..... No worries I can always go back to fetch them some other time"

"Now I feel very guilty. You wanted snacks and I was the reason why you did not buy any snacks"

"No don't overthink it okay.... Hey so want to hang out for sometime. You know I am sick and down with fever and I was feeling so lonely" I said trying to change the topic and her focus

"ha ha ha. Alright, I guess I can keep you company.... bu-but only for  a little while"

"Well how about we start out with a movie, I'll make popcorn" I said while walking to the kitchen.

"No, I'll make the popcorn you go and rest. Also where is the thermometer" Georgia asked

It was really weird having some one fuss over me in the same physical proximity. Mom and Dad did fuss and brought in renowned doctors even if I had only a common cold most of the time and were there with me all the time, but it was so different when the person is next to you. What the hell, man up man. This is not how you should act, For god's sake you are an FBI agent.

"The popcorn is on the last drawer on your right and the thermometer is in the cabinet in the bathroom"

"You know your house is quite clean, for a guy living all alone" she said suddenly

"Yeah I don't like messy places and also most of the time I'm in practice or at a friend's house" I said

I switched on a chick flick and I waited for Georgia to come to the sofa so I could start it. After transferring all the popped popcorn into a large bowl she found in one of the drawers she sauntered her way to the sofa. I switched on the movie and did not even realize that she was so damn tempting. Such an innocent seductress. I was not paying any attention to the movie as I watcher her from my peripheral vision. Keeping an eye on her all the time. 

The hours passed by and it was already 9 by the time we finished the first movie and put in the second movie and ordered take out. It was too late. I offered to drive her home, but she checked my temperature and decided that despite me having only a slight increase in body temperature, she will not let me drive. I was not comfortable in her taking the bus or a cab and I could sense even she was not comfortable. I shrugged

"Well you could sleep over. I promise that you will be comfortable. You can take my room. The guest rooms are not cleaned so, they are a bad choice. I will take the couch in the hall."

"No no, I don't want you to take the couch. You should not suffer in your house. "

'Well do you want to sleep on the same bed then, I promise to keep my hands to myself"

"NOOOOO... I mean I can take the couch..... Pleaseeeee" she said

"I am not comfortable with the idea of having a stiff back in the morning"

She gave me a pleading look as to not argue more and so reluctantly I signed and nodded. 

I gave her a few blankets and a pillow and I went to my room to sleep. I could not sleep and was in deep thought when I heard shuffling outside my door which were hesitant and slowly my door opened. I pretended to be asleep and I heart soft foot falls and Georgia curled up on the farthest point on my bed. A small smile came onto my lips. I turned and discretely looked at the time. It's been nearly three hours since I left her. I guess the sofa was really uncomfortable. I turned towards her again and pulled her close to my chest. When she gasped and turned to me, I pretended that it was a move I did in my sleep. After some time she drifted of to sleep and her breathing evened out. I pulled her even closer and I slept peacefully.

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